Secrets for eyebrow care after dyeing

Today, more and more women are resorting to the procedure for staining eyebrows with henna, or biotattoo. The advantage of this method of creating an ideal appearance is that henna is used for coloring eyebrows, which is of natural origin and does not harm the skin. After biotattooing, there is no need to spend a lot of time daily on putting eyebrows in order, giving them the desired shape and color.


Also, this procedure can be carried out for pregnant and lactating women, which is also considered a big plus. In addition, staining is absolutely painless, quick and does not cause allergies, since natural remedies are used, the exception is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

But the most important thing is that after dyeing the eyebrows look very natural and it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural ones.

However, to maintain such a wonderful result for a long time, after the procedure, it is necessary to observe some rules for eyebrow care.

What can not be done after staining?


It is known that after the biotattoo procedure in the salon or eyebrow dyeing at home, some restrictions must be observed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and maintain the effect for a long time.

  • During the day after dyeing, moisture should not be allowed on the eyebrows so that the color fixes.
  • Not all cosmetic products can be used, for example, it is better to put off waterproof products.
  • You can’t allow steam to affect your face, so it’s better to wait a bit with a trip to the bathhouse and sauna.
  • Do not use scrubs or do peeling.

What to do after biotatuage?

In order to moisturize the eyebrows, to make them more well-groomed, you need to use natural oils. For example, almond, castor, apricot and eucalyptus oil are considered excellent remedies..

To keep the color of eyebrows intact for as long as possible, it is recommended to make masks. One of the best is considered a mask using natural products. You need to take in equal proportions linseed oil, petroleum jelly and beeswax. Mix all products into a homogeneous mass. Apply the mixture on eyebrows 1-2 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly or wipe away with a cotton pad.

Biotattoo is a painless and quick procedure that will allow each girl to look irresistible, while not spending a lot of time every day on eyebrow makeup.