How to use color concealers and correctors?

Are you used to the nude shade of the corrector, and palettes with green, pink and purple concealers make you guess? Find out why color correctors are needed.

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Concealers of nude shades are used by many, but not everyone knows what to do with color. So, they can correct a lot of skin imperfections, from dark circles under the eyes and age spots to protruding veins. The skin defects that we lament most often have their own color: reddish pimples, gray-blue circles under the eyes, yellow age spots, red freckles, brown moles, etc. In order to neutralize these spots, you need a different color. You have to choose the “opposite shade“ – this is visible on the color wheel. For example, the opposite for red is green, and for purple is yellow, and so on..

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

This scheme is a kind of hint which concealer to choose. They need to be matched to the color of the skin defect that you need to neutralize. For example, if you are concerned about bluish veins, neutralize them with an apricot shade of concealer, if orange freckles use a purple shade. We will understand what shades of corrective agents exist and why.

How to apply color correctors and concealers

Lavender, purple concealer. It is used to neutralize yellowness, for example, yellow complexion, bruises, age spots will become more invisible. It also helps hide blue circles under the eyes and dark brownish spots on bronze skin tones..

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Green concealer.

It neutralizes red defects: spots, rosacea, allergic reactions, acne, scars and any other redness.

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Yellow concealer.

Used to correct bruises under the eyes, dark circles, veins. Makes skin tone warmer, soft.

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Orange, Apricot, Salmon Concealer.

Such shades neutralize blue defects on the skin: as a rule, these are circles under the eyes. Makeup artists do not recommend buying too carrot color – it “works” not on all skin tones.

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How to use color concealers and correctors?
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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Pink concealer.

It hides green spots, such as bruises or dark circles under the eyes. But be careful with the pink concealer: when it gets on bluish areas of the skin, the effect may be the opposite.

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

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How to use color concealers and correctors?

Good luck, beauty!