face contouring tricks


How to change face shape with makeup only? This question has been repeatedly asked by women who want to make their features more elegant, their nose thinner, their lips more voluminous, their eyes larger. Cosmetics can not only decorate, it can become a real sculptor.

How to do face contouring

To get started, prepare your face for applying makeup. After gentle cleansing and moisturizing, apply a base, preferably a stable one. It will even out skin tone and relief, help the foundation and all the means necessary to correct the oval of the face, to go to bed better and stay longer. To sculpt the shape of the eyes and eyebrows, apply the base under the shadow – it will absorb the fat and moisture secreted by the eyelids.


Determine your face type

with a rectangular shape, the length of the face is greater than the width, and the forehead and jaw are approximately the same, the chin is angular;

the oval shape of the face suggests a rounded chin, the width of the forehead is slightly larger than the width of the lower jaw;

with a rhomboid shape, the widest part of the female face is the cheekbones. Chin and hairline of conical shape;

a round face suggests that its height and width are almost the same, and the chin has a smooth rounded shape;

with a square face, the height and width are also equal, but the chin and hairline are wide and sharp;

trapezoidal shape suggests a pointed hairline and a wide jaw.

To determine whether your eyebrows and eyes require additional sculpting, you can measure the distance between the inner edge of the eye and the length of the eye itself. If the first distance is equal to the second, then your eyes are located perfectly and they do not need correction. If the distance is less – then your eyes are set close, more – wide.

High-quality cosmetics and professional secrets of makeup artists will help you perform visual sculpting without the intervention of surgical instruments.


How to change facial features? Blush, foundation, concealer, highlighter and powder will help you. The main rule is that dark tones visually reduce, narrow, and light tones of cosmetics optically expand and increase the areas on which they are applied.

Face contouring

An ideal, not requiring sculpting, face shape is considered, in which the horizontal to vertical ratio of the face is 2 to 3. If the proportion is different, cosmetics of different tones – foundation and blush – will bring the oval closer to the ideal parameter.

After you have prepared the skin for applying makeup, work through the problem areas with a corrector or concealer. Wrinkles, dark circles around the eyes, age spots and inflammations must be hidden, otherwise further correction will be impossible. Next, take a foundation in two shades – a little lighter than your natural skin color and a little darker. You will also need brushes for applying makeup – a kabuki brush will help to blend the borders between the shades of the cream, a brush with a beveled cut will be needed for the nose and cheekbones.

Square face

apply a dark shade foundation on the protruding sharp areas of the face;

highlight the center of the forehead, nose and chin;

apply a highlighter to the cheekbone at an external angle of the eye;

put the blush on the area from the middle of the ears to the chin and on the protruding parts of the lower jaw;

blend the borders between the shades and fix with matting powder.

Oval face

the dark shade of the foundation is suitable for the area under the cheekbone, for this, retract the cheeks and apply the product to the resulting cavity;

smile – put blush or highlighter on the formed “apples”;

blend the borders and fix the makeup with powder.

Round face

in order to remove excessive puffiness of the cheeks, apply a dark shade to the rounded side of the face;

emphasize a triangle with a light matte shade from the outer corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth and the center of the nose;

lighten the triangle between the nose bridge and the beginning of the eyebrows;

put pink, terracotta or intense beige blush on the area from the middle of the ears to the chin;

fix with matting powder.

Triangular face

if the triangle is directed down – toned the corners of the forehead and the center of the chin;

if the triangle is up – darken the lower part of the face;

apply blush on the protruding parts of the cheekbones.

With a diamond-shaped face

avoid applying a dark tone under the cheekbones and light on the cheekbones themselves;

highlight the center of the forehead, nose and chin;

blush of natural shades put on the apples of the cheeks, as if drawing the number 8;

Fix makeup with glare powder.


Make eyebrows and eyes

Light and pearlescent shadows visually reduce the eyes if they are applied to a moving eyelid. Apply light shades under the eyebrow for optical enlargement of the eye..

If your eyes are too far apart, apply shadows of a more intense dark shade to the moving eyelid above the inner corner of the eye. Sculpting close-set eyes suggests a darker shade on the eyelid above the outer corner of the eye.

Not only cosmetics help visually smooth the oval of the face, but also the eyebrows. For a round and square face, pointed eyebrows with a kink are suitable, for an elongated one – straight neat eyebrows, for a triangular and diamond-shaped – smooth rounded lines.

Nose Contouring

Few women are completely satisfied with the shape of their nose; they need correction to be sure of themselves. Dark and light foundation creams will help.


On a narrow and long nose, completely apply a light shade, on a wide – dark shade on the wings of the nose, on a large and round one – on the border of the wings of the nose and its upper part. The hump on the nose can also be masked by makeup – apply a dark foundation directly on an unpleasant detail.

For more information, watch the video of the stunning girl, where she demonstrates the technique of contouring..

How to change the shape of the face without surgery. How is oval correction possible, if your cosmetic bag has blush and foundation, how to visually contour the lines of the nose, eyes and eyebrows. High-quality and diverse cosmetics, diligence, several professional secrets – and you are at your best! Good luck!