Honey Wrap

If someone is interested in how to get rid of a few centimeters in problem areas without much effort, it makes sense to look at such a wonderful procedure as honey wrapping. Sweet bee product contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, has unique healing properties. Thanks to this, this SPA ritual is capable of producing a fantastic effect..

At home, honey wrapping helps to cope with such unpleasant and undesirable body problems as overweight, cellulite and edema. After all, I want to look beautiful!

But there is not always time to go to the salon. In addition, in the SPA-center such a procedure is not cheap, and they need a whole complex. At the same time, if you want and have certain knowledge, honey wrap at home is no less effective, and often more convenient, than a salon procedure.

Most women can organize the process on their own, and after a few sessions, gaining experience and dexterity, get the most out of the action of the healing remedy.

The key to success is in preparation

Before you get ready to do a honey wrap for weight loss, you need to prepare everything you need.

In the process you will need:

  • 10-15 Art. tablespoons of natural honey and other components of the mixture;
  • high-quality body scrub;
  • a sheet or cling film made of polyethylene;
  • a warm blanket or blanket (a thermal blanket is also suitable);
  • large brush for applying the composition;
  • milk or nourishing body cream.

The main stages of the procedure

The process is not complicated, but must be properly organized to obtain the desired result. Not everyone knows how to properly prepare the mixture and what recommendations should be followed so that honey wrap from cellulite gives the desired effect. Let’s look at the process in detail. Get ready in advance – the procedure takes a lot of time.

The process consists of several stages:

first you need to take a shower and cleanse your skin from sweat and dirt;

if you plan to do a “hot” wrap, the mixture needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath (up to 25 degrees). In the “cold” method, the composition should be at room temperature;

you need to apply the mixture on the skin with a thin even layer, paying special attention to problem areas;

then wrap yourself on top with a plastic wrap, preferably with the help of someone, since it’s quite difficult to cope on your own (we make the first turn at the waist, the film smoothly descends down the left leg, then rises up along the right foot up to the waist and, if necessary, goes higher) ;

with the “hot” method, climb under a warm blanket;

at the end of the procedure, rinse in the shower and apply milk or nourishing cream to the skin.

It is recommended to do a honey wrap for weight loss at night, because after it you need to relax and it is contraindicated to go out into the fresh cool air.

Cook a sweet mixture and indulge yourself regularly

In order to easily organize a honey wrap at home, the ingredients of the recipe should be inexpensive and easily accessible. And at the same time, the recipe itself should be easy to prepare..

For “hot” wraps, use honey with milk (in a proportion of one to two), with pepper, mustard or a pure product without additives. With the cold method, in addition to the main ingredient, essential oils of various citrus plants are necessarily included.

This method is effective in the initial stages of cellulite and minor problems with weight. The mixture is applied only to areas that cause discomfort..

One session of hot treatment takes about half an hour, cold – about one and a half hours. In the first month, all actions are performed every other day (a total of 10-15 sessions). After a break of one month, another 10-15 procedures are repeated. Then you should wait another month, and then complete the course with five sessions. If the result suits you, then in the future 1 or 2 times a month will be enough.

Losing weight easily – honey wrap minus 3 kg

Is the goal to remove a couple of extra centimeters from the hips and waist in a few sessions? Then pay attention to the five-day course “honey wrap minus 3 kg.” Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of olive oil and the same portion of dry mustard.

Warm the composition slightly in a water bath (not higher than 40 degrees) and apply to problem areas. Top should be wrapped in polyethylene film and hide under a warm blanket. The duration of such a session is an average of 40-60 minutes.

After this, you need to take a shower and lubricate the body with a nourishing cream. The procedure should be repeated twice a week. As a result, not only kilograms disappear, but also the effect of smooth velvety skin.

Note! Mustard can be a strong allergen. Before wrapping in a healing composition, you should first conduct a test on a small area of ​​the skin. Apply a small amount to the surface of a small area and wait. A normal reaction is just a slight burning sensation..

Contraindications to the sessions

Unfortunately, like any other healing product, honey wrap for cellulite also has contraindications, despite the fact that it is a pleasure to do, and the effect is wonderful. It is not recommended to take the course if you are allergic to honey or another component of the mixture.

It is also not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers..

Honey wrapping should be postponed if there are skin lesions on the body, as well as with such ailments:

  • varicose veins;
  • fungal diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • some gynecological diseases (consult your doctor).

We are looking for the right honey!

Attention! Not all honey is suitable for conducting beauty sessions! In order for the course to really give the expected result, you need to know which sweet product you can use..

Only natural honey has healing properties. Artificial has no effect. Beware of cheating and buy jars only from trusted people: according to recommendations or from friends.

In addition, with strong heating, all the beneficial substances from honey can disappear. You should not buy it at the store. If it is sold in a tightly closed airtight jar, then it has passed heat treatment and is not suitable for the course.

Do not take from the shelf also the old candied honey: if you heat it, the properties will be lost. When cold, it is difficult to apply to the skin.

Give pleasure to yourself and your body, pamper it with a divine natural composition. It will bring you true pleasure and delightful effect. All the views of men will be yours!