Cellulite wrap: the most effective recipes

The appearance of cellulite and body fat is an eternal problem that almost all women face. In the fight against cellulite, women use many methods, among which the most effective is wrapping..

How is the procedure?

Cellulite wraps can be hot or cold, but the best result will be the alternation of these two types of anti-cellulite techniques.

This method of dealing with the problem does not apply only to those women who suffer from varicose veins or have other problems with the vessels. The treatment course includes 12 sessions, they are carried out after 3 days. To consolidate the effect of the treatment, wraps need to be done every six months.

For cosmetic procedures you will need:

  • cosmetic mixture;
  • cling film;
  • blanket or plaid.

The procedure is carried out in circular motions, heading upward from the body. The minimum time for one session should be 15 minutes, but ideally for this it is desirable to allocate 30-40 minutes.

After removing the mixture, rinse the body with water and apply anti-cellulite cream on the skin. With maximum warming of the treated area of ​​the body and performing physical exercises, the desired result can be seen much faster.

Types of procedures

By the mechanism of action on the body, body wraps can be cold or hot. When the procedure is hot, all toxins and toxins exit through the pores. It is necessary for the treatment of such areas with cellulite as the buttocks, thighs, stomach, where many people have a dense fat layer.

If you carry out a cold wrap from cellulite, the vessels are narrowed, and the blood carries toxins to the cleansing organs, by which harmful substances are removed. Such a procedure is recommended for edema and heaviness in the legs. In addition, cold wrap is indispensable for improving lymphatic drainage of the skin, it is made to give elasticity to sagging and sagging skin..

Any type of procedure is strictly prohibited in the development of gynecological, cardiovascular and skin diseases. The technique is also contraindicated with high blood pressure. 

Anti-cellulite wrap recipes

With the help of this cosmetic procedure, based on creating a greenhouse effect, you can get rid of the “orange peel” and adjust the figure. Fat burning and the elimination of cellulite occurs due to increased blood circulation in the skin and increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands..

A variety of options for carrying out this useful cosmetic procedure make it possible for every woman to choose the most effective cellulite wraps for herself..

Effective elimination of cellulite can be carried out independently, for this, as a basis, you can use components such as algae, sea mud, blue clay, honey, dough, coffee, green tea. Do not forget to use other additional ingredients that have a fat burning effect..

Seaweed and honey

The most popular wrap is based on seaweed and honey. Their use can reduce the number and size of cellulite tubercles, make the skin supple and elastic. In addition, this cosmetic procedure nourishes the skin with beneficial vitamins and minerals..

Used two tablespoons of warm honey and 2 tbsp. l ficus. Dilute the algae in warm water and leave for 15 minutes to swell. After that, add the yolk, 10 drops of any citrus and 20 drops of camphor essential oil.

Mix all components well, apply the mixture to problem areas. Fix the anti-cellulite mixture on the body with a film, wrap yourself with a sheet on top and cover yourself with a blanket.

Green tea

If you decide to get rid of the “orange peel” with green tea, you will need 5 tbsp. l chopped leaves, 2 tbsp. l honey, half a spoon of ground cinnamon, boiling water.

To carry out the procedure, follow these steps:

  • Pour the chopped tea leaves with boiling water to a mushy state;
  • Add honey and cinnamon, mix well;
  • Apply the prepared mixture in a warm form to problem areas, wrap the body with foil, lie down under the covers.

If desired, a couple drops of rosemary, lemon or anise essential oil can be added to the mixture..

Coffee wrap

It is known that coffee contributes to weight loss, for this it can not only be consumed internally, but also make cosmetic procedures. Cellulite coffee wrap is useful in that it helps to eliminate toxins, and also has the ability to break down subcutaneous fat.

In coffee grounds or freshly ground coffee, add 3 drops of rosemary and orange essential oils, apply the mass to problem areas. Coffee can be mixed with cinnamon and sea salt, because these two components are also effective against the “orange peel”.

Cocoa Wrap

Currently, in all cosmetology and spa salons, the most popular procedure is chocolate wrapping. It is suitable for those who want to combine useful with pleasant, relax, improve their mood and at the same time get rid of cellulite.

Not all women can afford such a pleasure, since it is one of the most expensive cosmetic services. Some girls found the right solution and began to apply the procedure at home. For the procedure you will need chocolate, consisting of at least 50% cocoa beans, it can also be replaced with ordinary cocoa powder.

You can use these chocolate wrapping recipes:

Mix 250 grams of cocoa with two glasses of hot water. Apply the prepared mass to areas of the body affected by cellulite;

Melt a bar of chocolate, add a spoonful of olive and 5 drops of orange oil;

In two glasses of water, dissolve 350 grams of cocoa powder, add 2 tablespoons of cinnamon.

Due to its composition, cocoa and chocolate can eliminate cellulite in the early stages, as well as reduce its manifestations at later stages of development.

Cellulite wraps with cocoa will solve the problem, provided that the full course of treatment is followed – 10-15 procedures. You need to perform them with a break of 1-2 days, no more.

Choosing the most suitable type of wrapping for yourself, you can return harmony and attractiveness to your figure at home without a lot of money!