Foundation for oily skin

The foundation for oily skin type must have special properties that will fill the needs of the skin. When meeting a person, we first of all pay attention to the face, especially the condition of his skin. Therefore, all girls and women want their face skin to always be in excellent condition – it should be smooth, fresh, velvety.

How to choose a foundation for oily skin

However, there are a huge number of girls with oily skin type. Its brilliance and grease noticeably spoil the whole natural beauty of the face. In this article, we tell you how to choose the right foundation for oily skin..

Basic principles when choosing a foundation

For oily skin, do not choose a cream that is dense in consistency, as it will create a mask effect. We recommend that you purchase a light matting cream powder or emulsion. In order to make a precise adjustment of the skin, it is best to use a masking pencil as a foundation.


When buying, be sure to look at the ingredients. Essential oils should be absent in the foundation, and if they are, then in the list of components should be at the end and in the very minimum amount.

Pay attention to the packaging. It must be indicated on it that this cream prevents the appearance of oily sheen. If such a manufacturer does not promise, just do not buy its products. Choose your matte foundation.

How to choose a shade of foundation

Correctly choose the shade of the cream in natural daylight. Artificial lighting always distorts color. Women who have very fair skin are not recommended to buy a cream with a tan effect. This is a mandatory rule that must not be violated, otherwise you will have an untidy appearance. It is better for white-skinned beauties to use a tonal remedy with a tone of apricot or peach color. Foundation with an orange or pink tint is suitable for girls whose skin has, respectively, a little yellowish or grayish color.
