What is cellulite and why does it appear?

Summer is the time for short shorts and skirts, and, of course, a bikini. But what about this completely ugly “orange peel” on the legs. After all, we all so want to look slim and fit, and this unpleasant misunderstanding spoils our entire appearance.

And before we begin to understand how to get rid of this horror on our feet, let’s find out what leads to its appearance.

At the moment, most doctors claim that the appearance of such skin can have two reasons:

Improper nutrition;

Diseases of the internal organs leading to obesity and, as a result, to the appearance of cellulite.

But this list is very generalized, because the cause of the appearance of cellulite can be stress, and a low level of physical education, and much more. As you can see, the appearance of an orange peel is a completely natural consequence of our lifestyle. After all, if you regularly exercise and eat right, then the likelihood of the appearance of cellulite is almost zero.

How to get rid of cellulite

Today, almost every self-respecting cosmetic company offers us a huge amount of funds to combat this problem. But among all this grandeur on the shelves of shops, you can very easily get lost. What functions does this or that tool perform and what is the best choice?

The first way to get rid of the orange peel on the feet are scrubs, peels and special anti-cellulite massages. Let’s start with massages! The method is quite effective, but unpleasant, since kneading cellulite is painful enough.

Often, such massages can end even with bruises, but this is only if you have very delicate skin. But scrubs and peels alone are very ineffective. But if you use them during preparation for anti-cellulite massage or body wrap, the result will not be long in coming.

By the way, cellulite wrap is the second way to get rid of an orange peel. Of course, you can go to the beauty salon and leave a pretty tidy amount there, but such a procedure is quite easy to do at home.

For this you need:

  • Food grade plastic wrap, the wider the better;
  • Any tool for wrapping. And you can buy it, or you can do it yourself;
  • Body Scrub;
  • Woolen plaid or wide scarf.

First, the skin needs to be cleaned with a scrub or peeling agent. Then it is necessary to massage a little problem areas in order to increase blood flow to problem areas. After that, thoroughly smear the prepared wrapping agent and wind the cling film on top..

Attention! Do not pull your legs too much, because this way you will only block the access of blood to your legs, and this cannot end in anything good. The total duration of the procedure should not exceed forty minutes.

Then you need to gently rinse the product with warm water and lie down a bit. Repeat this procedure is not more than once every two days. And the total number of sessions should not exceed twelve procedures.

There is a similar procedure and contraindications. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wrap pregnant women and those who suffer from varicose veins. In the presence of diseases from the kidneys and liver, it is not worth risking..

So, what this whole procedure looks like, we have already studied, now let’s find out what kind of wrapping means we can prepare at home.

Cellulite Acetic Wrap

In order to get rid of the orange peel with vinegar, you absolutely do not need to come up with something special.

For this you will need:

  • Apple cider vinegar, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • Long narrow pieces of linen, even a sheet is suitable;
  • Chamomile decoction.

Linen fabric should be thoroughly moistened with diluted vinegar, and wound on problem areas of the skin. The legs remain wrapped until the fabric dries naturally.

Then, the strips must be carefully removed from the skin, after which the legs must be rinsed under warm water. So that there is no irritation, because vinegar still dries the skin a little, you can grease your feet with a decoction of chamomile. Repeating this procedure is worth fifteen times, but no more than once every two days.

Cellulite Clay Wrap

Since ancient times, women have used clay to care for their skin. Some recipes have survived to our times. For example, wrapping with this wonderful natural component not only helps to get rid of cellulite, but also restores blood circulation and has a pretty strong anti-inflammatory effect..

Clay gets rid of cellulite due to the fact that during each procedure excess water is slowly removed from the body. That is, edema is reduced, which causes the leveling of the upper layer of the skin.

Before proceeding to clay wrap you need to carefully prepare the skin. To do this, you can visit the bathhouse or sauna. Or you can just lie in the bath. The main thing is that the water is hot.

After all the pores are opened as much as possible, you need to rub the skin with a washcloth or clean it with a scrub. All movements should be circular and very accurate, because we need to remove already dead skin pieces, and not tear off those that are still quite healthy..

After all these preparations, you need to apply clay diluted with water on the skin, wrap it on top with a film and leave it for about half an hour. After that, rinse the mixture thoroughly with warm water and rub the skin with a hard towel. For greater effectiveness, you can apply a little anti-cellulite cream and massage problem areas.

Cellulite wraps with honey

Honey wrap is another gift for all women. After all, after several procedures with honey, cellulite is not only reduced, but the skin becomes smooth and silky. Another advantage of this procedure is that, unlike vinegar and clay, honey also prevents the formation of new edema, which sooner or later will become an orange peel.

And during the procedure itself, you absolutely do not need to warm your legs. On the contrary, it is best not to use wool blankets or shawls. Just apply a small amount of honey on the skin steamed after bath, and leave for forty minutes.

Another problem is to flush such a mixture. After all, honey sticks to your hands, which means that you will have to wash it off with ordinary water for a very long time. But it’s worth considering the positive side of this process: while you wash off all the honey, you’ll also give yourself an anti-cellulite massage.

And one more little secret! If you decide to do the wrapping with honey, then apply it in the following way: take a little honey and distribute it in all hands. Then grease the problem area, press your hands to the skin and when they are well adhered, tear them off sharply. The feeling, of course, is not pleasant, but the result after such a procedure will not be long in coming.

As you can see, you can get rid of the orange peel. And homemade cellulite wrap is no worse than a salon wrap. It just takes a little more time and patience. But if you firmly decided to use these methods against cellulite, then the result will not be long in coming!