Goodbye, cellulite !: effective program of the domestic fight against the defect

Cellulite is a huge cosmetic problem that almost every modern woman faces. And asthenics here are no exception, contrary to the widespread misconception that the “orange peel” is a scourge only for ladies with frankly curvaceous forms. Beauty salons and beauty parlors vied with each other about their services to combat this female “ailment”, now and then offering potential clients “copyright” methods for correcting unattractive tubercles for impressive amounts of money.

But what if the family budget is strictly limited, and you want to be beautiful no less than a wealthy lady? Effective anti-cellulite products can be done with your own hands and used without leaving your home! Moreover, in a wide range of cases they turn out to be more effective than their “professional” expensive analogues.

The nature of the “orange peel”

Before embarking on a real battle with cellulite, it is important to find out its true nature..

The first thing you need to understand is that every person has subcutaneous fat, so cellulite can affect any woman, even the most ascetic. If you are overweight, do not assume that only he became the culprit in the formation of tubercles on your waist, hips or buttocks.

And if you lose weight “with fanaticism” by practicing hungry diets, keep in mind that you only risk enhancing the visual manifestations of cellulite, which will also add loose skin. So why does “friability” appear in problem areas?

Fat is the protective mechanism of our body, and, as already mentioned, all people on the planet have it. This is the material with which your body is most reluctant to say goodbye when you are on a diet. Why?

Because it is from lipid tissue that it draws energy and vitality in “stressful situations”. Subcutaneous fat “feeds” moisture, and it is in a liquid medium that the active growth and division of its cells occurs.

When stagnation of water occurs in soft tissues, fat cells begin to grow and divide, transforming into lumps. Therefore, internal edema is the main catalyst for tissue friability. Even if your body is naturally perfectly balanced, don’t be surprised at the presence of cellulite if you are addicted to junk food, smoking or alcohol..

And if all this is aggravated by the inherent hypodynamia of the current generation, the formation and progression of cellulite and you should not be surprised at all.

Where to begin?

The first and most important thing that you should direct your efforts towards in the victorious struggle against the “orange peel” is the correction of your own lifestyle. No anti-cellulite folk remedy, and even a professional massage or hardware procedure, will bring you results if you do not pay attention to your regimen..

Rules for finding beautiful smooth skin:

  • Complete cessation of smoking;
  • Limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially beer and spirits), their replacement with dry wine “on occasion”;
  • Exclusion of fried, fatty, spicy and smoked from your diet;
  • Moderate dosages of tea and coffee consumed;
  • Normalization of physical activity (if it is impossible to carry out physical exercises – ordinary walks);
  • Regular deep cleansing of the skin from its keratinous layer (“dead” cells prevent the tissues from receiving full oxygen nutrition, collect excess fluid, toxins and toxins from them);
  • Periodic cleansing of the body and intestines;
  • The use of anti-cellulite products at home.

Be sure: if you follow these simple and healthy measures, your “orange peel” will literally dissolve before your eyes. And if you begin to reinforce a progressive result, using folk remedies to combat cellulite, the positive effect will not only accelerate, but also be fixed.

Traditional recipes for getting rid of cellulite at home involve exfoliation (using a natural anti-cellulite scrub), body wraps and a special massage. Honey massage is especially popular and effective..

Step 1: peeling problem areas

Before you think about which anti-cellulite products are the most “working” and effective, you should understand that any expensive serum or home cream for dissolving fatty jumpers should be absorbed at least adequately. And this is impossible if the surface of the skin is not properly cleaned and not exfoliated..

Stagnation in tissues is often caused by a dense growth of dead cells on their “barrier” surface. Keratinized cells also create such unpleasant phenomena as goose bumps, peeling and coarsening. Is there any sense in fighting cellulite if the skin itself has long lost its tone and elasticity??

The best anti-cellulite product for preliminary skin scrubbing is a mixture of grapefruit essential oil or bitter orange with sea salt or natural ground coffee.

Rules to help you make a quality peeling of problem areas:

  • Mix the usual shower gel with 1 tsp. ground coffee (abrasives should be very small, so you will achieve soft exfoliation) or sea salt;
  • Add 3-4 drops of citrus essential oil to the resulting composition;
  • Pre-steam the skin. To do this, just stand under a tolerably hot shower for 3-5 minutes;
  • Gently massage the skin with the resulting mass, using circular motions;
  • Perform the procedure for 5-7 minutes;
  • Rinse off the skin with warm water;
  • Complete the water treatment with cool dousing to close the cleaned pores;
  • Pat your body with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer.

You can buy a ready-made warming scrub, which is available in many cosmetic lines. However, each of us at the subconscious level knows: the best means are natural. In addition, they are equally accessible to all women..

The exfoliation procedure should be performed at least 1 time per week.

Step 2: breaking the tubercles with massage

The most effective measures to get rid of the “orange peel” necessarily include massage. What products should be used for its full implementation?

The optimal remedy for anti-cellulite massage is ordinary bee honey, but certainly natural. And you can perform this procedure both in the salon and at home.

Let us dwell on the second option:

  • Enter the bathroom when it is cool;
  • Apply honey on problem areas with a thin layer;
  • Make sure that your body is completely dry and that you are not sweating profusely due to the heat in the bathroom;
  • Start clapping your palm across problem areas;
  • Make sure that the palm sticks well and breaks away from the body with force;
  • Clap softly, effortlessly;
  • Gradually, honey will begin to acquire a white or grayish tone, and slide into a plastic mass. These are the very salts, toxins and toxins that accumulate in your subcutaneous fat;
  • After 10-15 massage, rinse the substance off the skin with warm water;
  • Ambassadors to exit the shower, wipe the body with a soft towel and lubricate the treated area with nourishing milk.

This procedure should be carried out in courses. First, massage 15 days in a row, then provide yourself with a break of a week and repeat the course for 10 days. Next, you only need to maintain the effect by performing actions once a week.

Step 3: Wraps

Means for anti-cellulite wrapping can also be made with your own hands:

Green or red clay in the amount of 2-3 tbsp. dissolve with water to a pasty state;

Add a little kelp powder to the mixture;

Enter 1 tsp. cocoa and a pinch of cinnamon;

Join? tsp (it all depends on your skin, if sensitive, add very little) red ground pepper;

Combine the mixture with mandarin essential oil and grind again;

Apply to problem areas and wrap with cling film in several layers;

Soak for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water;

After a shower, lubricate the body with a moisturizing lotion.

Wraps should be applied at least 1 time in 3 days until a lasting result is achieved.

Whatever means you choose, keep in mind that it is important to begin the transformation with the internal state of the body. Review your own lifestyle, learn to eat right, cultivate the habit of moving more. Be slim, beautiful and attractive!