Epilation: why irritation appears

The desire of every woman to become even a little more beautiful is understandable. And what just does not have to be done to achieve this goal. But unfortunately, some procedures do not give pleasure at all, and their consequences make you suffer for a long time. One of these procedures is hair removal..

Causes of inflammation

This procedure is very simple and very painful. After all, along with the hairs you get rid of the roots. But if the whole thing were in short discomfort, would you read our article now? Of course not!

In addition to, so to speak, the pain aspect, the consequences of such a procedure may be redness, inflammation, and even wounds may appear. But that’s not all! There is also a problem with ingrown hairs, which have to be pulled out manually. In general, the female share is heavy, because beauty still requires sacrifice, and, as it turned out, rather big.

But, let’s not talk about sad things, because our task today is to find out how to make this procedure more pleasant and get rid of all the consequences.

First of all, let’s see why the skin turns red and inflamed. There are several reasons for this:

  • Too delicate skin;
  • Removal of the upper layer of skin along with hairs;
  • Poor-quality hair removal tool;
  • Allergy.

If you are doing this procedure for the first time, then you should not be scared and think that irritation is your eternal companion. Perhaps in time you will forget that it hurt you a few minutes after such an execution. But for the first time, the skin, not yet accustomed to “bullying” of this kind, will definitely sharply react to “bullying”.

How to relieve irritation after hair removal

If you have been doing hair removal for a long time and constantly endure all this discomfort associated with irritation, then we hasten to please you: there is an opportunity to alleviate your suffering!

First of all, you need to remember a few rules that must be followed every time before hair removal. First, be sure to steam the skin, then the pores will be expanded, and the roots will be torn out much easier. Secondly, be sure to disinfect the skin immediately after the procedure.

For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and even thermal water are suitable. Be sure to use a special cream after hair removal from irritation on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. It will cool the skin and help cope with minimal irritation..

In no case do epilation immediately after shaving. You already hurt your skin with a razor, and then there’s such a blow. Such experiments threaten you with serious irritation, which you won’t be able to stop in one or two days.. 

You also do not need to take sunbaths intensely immediately after such a procedure. At least you have to smear your skin with Panthenol, even after lying in a harmless shadow. So it’s better not to risk your health for a moment’s pleasure!

And one more thing, if you yourself several times removed the extra hairs from any part of the body, and each time you had severe irritation, it is better to quit this thankless task (I mean self-disposal of vegetation) and make an appointment with a good specialist. Of course, you have to spend some money, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

Why there is irritation from waxing

Getting rid of excess vegetation with wax is a separate matter. It would seem that a natural product should not cause any adverse reactions, and the procedure should be easy and almost painless.

But it was not there! By the level of pain, this way of becoming beautiful without extra hair is no different from other types of hair removal, and irritation in this case is also not uncommon. What’s the matter?

And the reasons are still the same: improper preparation for the procedure, the use of ordinary baby creams and more. We remind you again: you can’t sunbathe before the procedure, it is not recommended to smear the skin with cream before epilation.

You should also not do waxing during critical days – the sensations will be 10 times stronger! Yes, and with varicose veins, using wax is also not recommended, as, however, and steaming the skin before other procedures.

How to relieve leg irritation after hair removal

Fortunately, sore skin on the legs after getting rid of excess vegetation is a rare occurrence. But if you systematically smear the legs with a soothing cream, then we can offer you a more effective way.

First of all, immediately after the procedure of getting rid of vegetation on the legs, wipe the skin with a sponge moistened with alcohol or peroxide. In principle, any product that contains alcohol is suitable..

The next step is to apply a small amount of Panthenol to the skin. But here the principle of use is slightly different than with burns. Leaving the product on the skin is worth fifteen minutes. Then it must be thoroughly washed off with cold water..

Great for relieving inflammation and a decoction of chamomile. You just need to get your skin wet with a cotton swab, after dipping it in a decoction, and the redness will disappear before your eyes.

Face irritation after hair removal

The face is a separate topic for conversation. First of all, you should know that the appearance of excess facial hair on women is not the norm. And before getting rid of such a nuisance, it is worth finding out what caused this phenomenon.

There may be several reasons: from heredity to stress experienced. But if the reason cannot be eliminated, and you want to look good, then hair removal is exactly what you need.

Unfortunately, the skin on the face is quite delicate, so redness is not uncommon here. So it’s worth taking some steps in order to avoid discomfort. You need to start the procedure the same way as for the skin on the legs, with disinfection. But alcohol is not your assistant here!

Very often, its use in this case can only aggravate the situation and lead to increased peeling. Better take a regular antiseptic ointment: it does an excellent job without harming your face.

Aloe extract helps to get rid of redness and itching. Therefore, if you somewhere saw a cream with it in the composition, then be sure to buy it. Such a tool will definitely save your nerves, giving relief to inflamed skin!

As you can see, it is possible to prevent irritation on the skin after getting rid of unwanted hairs. And, although the procedure will still be very painful, you can get rid of the subsequent torment if you follow our advice.

Do not despair, as a result you get a beautiful well-groomed body, and this is not so little!