Epilation without pain: choose an anesthetic

Hair removal is a common procedure for many women who look after their beauty and hygiene. Home electric epilators are affordable, and can be purchased at any household appliance store. They are considered the most worthy alternative to a razor, since they help remove unwanted hairs along with the root, which means that they prevent their accelerated re-growth.

Vegetation when using hair removal becomes softer and lighter than with regular shaving with a conventional machine tool. It would seem an ideal option, if not for one “but” …

The procedure of independent hair removal rightly scares the “newcomers” with their soreness, and for some ladies it completely turns into natural torture.

This is especially true for the treatment of areas with delicate and sensitive skin – groin, axillary (axillary) zone, area above the upper lip. What to do to facilitate the process of transformation and getting rid of hated hairs? Of course, anesthetize the skin!

Anesthetized anesthetized spray painkillers

“Beauty requires sacrifice” – this phrase is more relevant than ever for use in a conversation about hair removal. Anesthesia during hair removal – this is what most women who are forced to resort to such a “bloodthirsty” procedure are looking for. Especially by the way, anesthetics occur when processing the bikini zone, because the skin here is the most delicate, vulnerable and sensitive.

It’s easy to find a suitable local anesthetic, the main thing is not to go too far with it. In everything you need to look for a middle ground. We do not suggest you dutifully endure severe pain, but you also should not get involved in painkillers without the need.

So, the most popular means for temporary paresis of innervation is the usual, familiar to us from the dentist’s office, Lidocaine. Of course, you do not have to inject it intramuscularly. Now in pharmacies a special anesthetic spray based on Lidocaine is being sold. We recommend you to pay attention to it..

Be sure to steam the skin before the procedure, and do it carefully. Ideally, take a hot bath. Then blot dry the parts of the body that are affected by the hair removal procedure..

It is advisable to use Lidocaine, not Russian, but Hungarian production. It is widely believed that it is more effective. It is used for pain relief during laser hair removal in beauty salons, wax hair removal, and home mechanical procedure with an electric appliance known to you..

Regardless of the chosen methods of hair removal, it is worthwhile to study in detail the instructions for high-quality pain relief of the desired area. Firstly, the spray will not just have to be applied in a thin layer. Secondly, it is optimal to withstand some time before the procedure itself.

Thirdly, you should not forget that you are using a medication prescribed for certain indications and for certain purposes. It can cause an allergy, therefore, if you have not previously encountered its use, we strongly recommend that you carry out an allergy test.

Some secrets and tips

If you have not found a ready-made spray based on an anesthetic in a pharmaceutical store, purchase its solution in ampoules. You probably have a small spray bottle at home in which you can transfer the substance from the ampoules..

Stages of lidocaine analgesia during hair removal:

Steam your feet over steam or in a hot bath;

Dry the body area thoroughly;

Apply spray from the bottle abundantly, cover the area with cling film and let stand for 2–3 hours;

Remove the film and proceed to the hair removal procedure.

The accumulation time of the anesthetic is very individual, and depends on such factors:

The temperature of the skin at the time of processing and absorption of fluid;

The presence of an occlusive dressing (the same food film that retains moisture on the body);

The residence time of the solution on the body;

Amount of applied drug.

It is impossible not to take into account contraindications to the use of such a tool:

  • Individual intolerance of solution components and allergic reactions to them in the anamnesis;
  • Tendency to cramps;
  • Atrioventricular block and similar pathologies;
  • Hypotension;
  • Violation of the liver and kidneys (in particular, failure);
  • Less than 12 years old.

If you have doubts about the safety of using the product specifically in your case, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor. An affordable alternative to lidocaine was Prilocaine. It has the same effect, but acts much softer and is not aggravated by various complications..

In addition, if Lidocaine is more effective for blocking the innervation of the mucous membranes, and is absorbed weakly and for a long time, Prilocaine is designed specifically for the anesthesia of the skin. Using both means in combination, you will be able to achieve a more pronounced and lasting effect.

Anesthesia with lidocaine is used to relieve pain during epilation of the arms, legs and armpits. For processing the face and groin, it is better to use a special cream.

Anesthesia “Emloy”

Swedish Emla ointment is widely used in modern cosmetology. It is indispensable not only for laser hair removal procedures, but also for “beauty injections”. This topical preparation includes lidocaine and prilocaine in an optimally balanced concentration. Emla can be applied in its pure form by simple application to the skin, and can be used together with an occlusive dressing, and in the second case, the effect is achieved faster.

On sale you can also find eponymous patches that are most relevant for use in the process of removing antennae. The standard level of cream consumption is 1-2 g per 1 cm square. For effective anesthesia of the bikini zone during epilation, 5-10 g will be required (taking into account the relief of pain throughout the inguinal zone and genital mucosa).

The use of an anesthetic cream during epilation is excluded if the skin at the places of intended application is damaged or injured.

The ingress of lidocaine and prilocaine into an open wound or ulcer provokes the development of side effects, especially allergic reactions.

There are special tablets for oral administration that can minimize discomfort. But they should be treated with the most caution, and if you have not used such drugs before, you should ask your doctor in advance for permission.

Another excellent tool for pain relief during epilation are special nozzles on the device. They are cooling and massage. But, unfortunately, this method is not relevant for use during wax or sugar depilation..

Hair removal on the body is a standard procedure for most girls and women, which, however, has its own pitfalls. Approach the choice of anesthetic for these purposes as responsibly as possible, and remember that the main thing is not to harm your health in the pursuit of beauty and perfection.