Tattoo Removal Methods

Tattoos are made for various reasons. Someone wants to stand out, as it is now fashionable to say – to individualize, someone thus declares love “forever”, putting the name of a lover on the body. In some subcultures, tattooing is a hallmark and status. Young people between the ages of 16 and 30 are especially active in decorating themselves..

But life goes on, age, status, and sometimes worldview – are changing. And the tattoo becomes a burden. And sometimes it just spreads out, and exposing the body with a blot is uncomfortable. Are there any ways to remove tattoos??

How to get rid of boring jewelry

How does tattoo removal go? A fairly deep layer of the skin is exposed to chemical or thermal effects, is destroyed – literally, and new skin appears, which should be handled very carefully for a very long time.

It is impossible to carry out the procedure per day, it will take quite a long time. You can remove the tattoo at home and in a beauty salon.

Removing the painting in any conditions stretches for months. At home – a long rehabilitation period, laser tattoo removal in salon conditions – these are several sessions – from 3 to 7, between which monthly breaks are made. The brighter the color of the picture, the deeper it lies in the skin, the harder it is to remove.

Laser removal benefits:

  • tattoo removal without scars;
  • the rehabilitation period passes without complications;
  • surrounding tissues are not injured;
  • the process is almost painless.


  • cost of work;
  • process time.

Cost is crucial – because of it, many prefer to get rid of the picture at home on their own.

Beautician himself

What methods of tattoo removal does the “people” offer??

  • Barbarian: cutting off the top layer of the skin or burning it with a blowtorch.
  • Chemical: remover, iodine, manganese.
  • Physical Exposure: Laundry soap and milk.
  • Almost salon method: using a special cream.

It is worth considering removal methods more.

The barbaric way – only for real men. They gather in a group, give comrade anesthesia – in an amount not less than a glass of vodka, the tattoo site is generously treated with vodka – and they prove to him and to himself that all real men.

The rehabilitation period is long, scars and memories of the process remain for life. Sometimes decisive women resort to this method. Scars then – most often – the laser helps to remove, and you will have to pay a significant amount for it.

Other methods should be considered in detail..

Chemical effect on the skin

You can carry out home removal with a remover if you have the skills to work with a tattoo machine. If you fill it with a Rejuvi Tattoo Remover, then it turns into a tattoo removal machine. The substance, penetrating the skin, destroys the coloring pigment, and the picture becomes discolored.

Even with deep application, no more than 2-3 sessions are required, but the rehabilitation process is extremely slow. During it, both Actovegin ointment and other means to combat burns are used.

How is iodine tattoo removal performed??

  • Iodine is acquired 5%. A more saturated solution will cause serious burns – a less saturated solution will not work;
  •  Iodine is applied with a cotton swab only on the contours of the picture – twice. You can not completely fill the picture – a serious burn can leave an ugly scar;
  •  No dressings. The iodine-treated skin area should be in the open air;
  • From the very first procedure it will be possible to notice – the skin is peeling. That means iodine works;
  • The treatment session is repeated daily;
  • Actovegin ointment is applied overnight on a flaky surface to reduce skin itching..

Even if the skin peels off intensively, it cannot be peeled off. Otherwise, scars form. The process of updating the epidermis should take place naturally.

Depending on the depth of drawing and its size, the rehabilitation period will last from 2 to 4 weeks. No scars on new skin.

Removal with manganese is carried out as follows:

  • Dry powder is applied to the entire area where the picture is located..
  • It is treated with spray water so that the wetting is even.
  • The place over which they work is closed for 3 hours with a dense gauze bandage of the compress type – a layer of gauze, then a plastic film.

Sessions are held daily until the skin area is completely burned out. For better healing, all recommendations that were given when iodine was removed should be followed..

Physical effects on the skin

The method with laundry soap is mainly used in prisons. Soap planed into small pieces, melted on a candle, and drip them onto a tattooed area.

Since alkali is part of the laundry soap, a complex effect is exerted on the skin: thermal and chemical. The injured area is mercilessly hatching out: a scar appears instead of a picture.

You can remove the picture with milk. They are dressed in a tattoo machine, and applied to the drawing, piercing the skin. To exclude general sepsis, use an ointment to remove tattoos, mixing milk with streptocide.

3 days after getting into the deep layers of the skin of milk, the process of decay begins. The exfoliated area is necrosis and disappears. After 2-3 weeks, scarring begins. A scar looks scarier than the most thoughtless repulsive picture.

Cosmetics dealers offer a tattoo removal cream that “does not leave scars on the skin and works completely painlessly”.

Do not believe such advertising. The tattoo is located in the deep layers of the epidermis, and no cosmetic product can penetrate there without damaging the skin surface..

The cream contains acid or alkali – which means that you should not expect a painless action – or it will not work at all.

To remove a tattoo painlessly with a cream is possible only when it is a foundation or primer. Of course, the picture will not be visible until the product covers the skin.

At a young age, life seems long, beliefs are strong, love is eternal. But maybe you shouldn’t put your settings on public display with the help of drawings on the skin? Tattooing is easy, and removal requires strength, health and material costs..