Masks for problem skin


Problematic facial skin is far from uncommon. And not always she talks about puberty. Even after 25 years, pimples, blackheads and much more can appear. Many advise to use special masks for such cases, in particular from home medicine. After all, not all girls believe in new-fangled drugs.

Curd mask for problem skin

One of these masks is based on cottage cheese and kefir. Curd requires one tablespoon, and yogurt – three glasses. They need to be mixed, and apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face, and then rinse with water. Thanks to the mask, the inflammation will pass, and the face will become fresh and pleasant. Also for problem skin, a sour cream face mask is perfect..

Yogurt mask for problem skin

The next healthy and certainly effective blend is yogurt and starch. For the mask you will need natural yogurt, in which there are no dyes, only three teaspoons. You also need a spoonful of low-fat milk and potato starch. All this, mix accordingly, and then smear the skin. The base of the mask will saturate your skin with moisture and useful trace elements, and starch will remove excess oily skin.

Cucumber mask for problem skin

Another homemade facial mask, consisting of cucumber and proteins, it is known to many. Cucumber juice should be fresh, it needs two tablespoons. It is also necessary to take one protein and beat it. Add cucumber juice to the whipped protein. Apply the mixture on the face, and rinse off after half an hour.

Carrot mask for problem skin

Carrots and squirrels. But starch and lemon juice are also useful for this mask. Carrots should be rubbed very finely. Then mix the finely grated carrots with whipped protein, add a teaspoon of starch and a little lemon juice. You can apply the mask on the face and decollete.

Garlic face mask

Garlic … Unloved by many things, but protecting and helping in many diseases. If you have acne, then you need only three cloves of garlic, which you need to grind properly in gruel and spread places with acne. But here you need to keep the mask for half an hour and twice a day.

Facial skin care at home is not such a difficult procedure, just 10-15 minutes daily will remove the imperfections and make the skin more even and beautiful, and the result will remain for many years. Also, homemade facial masks with honey are suitable for combating acne..

One of the best cleansing masks can be called an activated carbon face mask..