How to measure the percentage of subcutaneous fat and get rid of it correctly

Subcutaneous fat is an integral part of the body. Previously, it served as a backup source of energy, and was also used for warming. However, impressive fat reserves are useless for modern people. But the wrong eating habits and the same way of life lead to the accumulation of calories.

As a result, a person gets better. As a rule, the stomach suffers first. For many, obesity begins with this zone. This phenomenon indicates that you need to get rid of extra pounds and adjust your habits..

How to find out the percentage of excess body fat

It is worth noting that there are no universal formulas that allow you to find out how many kilograms you need to lose. Proper weight loss should begin by comparing the amount of fat to total weight.

The resulting indicator displays how much of the total weight is adipose tissue. By knowing this figure, you can easily assess your degree of obesity..

Normal percentage of subcutaneous fat in humans

There is no single indicator, as the gender and age of a person is important. But we can say about the minimum indicators: 2-5% in men, 10-13% in women. If the numbers are lower, then the metabolism in the body slows down, testosterone production (in men) stops, menstruation (in women) stops.

In men with an athletic physique of 6-13% fat. If the indicator has reached 17%, then the person is in good shape, but has problem areas; at 25% – average physical fitness. If the last digit is exceeded, obesity begins.

In athletic women, up to 20% fat. In good shape are those with 24%. If the figure has reached 31%, then there are problem areas. Above 32% – Obesity.

We calculate the percentage of excess

There are several methods. The first is to use a special device that passes a weak current through the body. The speed of the signal depends on the thickness of the fat layer, that is, the larger it is, the weaker the signal.

The second method is indirect – they measure skin folds using a device similar to a vernier caliper, which is called a caliper (clipometer). The result is compared with a special table..

The first method is less accurate, because the amount of water in the body, food eaten before measurement, body temperature and many other factors affect the readings of the device. Very often, the results obtained are different from the real ones..

A clipometer (caliper) for measuring subcutaneous fat is distinguished by more accurate data, because in the vast majority of cases, the thickness of the fat fold is proportional to the amount of excess in the body.

Measurement process

A person becomes straight, finds a point 10 cm to the right of the navel horizontally, pinches the skin there and measures the thickness with a caliper or ordinary vernier caliper.

The resulting figure in millimeters, as well as age, is compared with a special table.

How to remove subcutaneous fat

First you need to decide at what speed you need to lose weight, while maintaining muscle mass. Various catabolic diets are contraindicated, as they are ineffective.

Achieving results is possible only with a full balanced diet and regular physical activity. Therefore, you need to adjust your diet and establish a training regimen. How your subcutaneous fat on your stomach depends on nutrition and activity.

When both of the above rules are met, you can expect a weight loss of 0.5 to 1.5 kg per week. It is these indicators that are considered normal when losing weight. Proper weight loss, that is, without harming the body, is not a short process.

If the body gets rid of more kilograms, then it is entirely possible that it is muscle mass, and not the unfortunate deposits. Then after the course of losing weight it will be very difficult to recover lost muscle tissue, especially if a person is not engaged in exercises with a load (dumbbells, barbell). Therefore, you should never rush. After 3 months, you can see good results..

You need to start losing weight correctly. It is recommended to visit the gym, where a qualified trainer will choose the best exercises. Classes at home are also possible, but you need to choose a good program, where there are no repetitions, and monitor the implementation of exercises.

Agree, this is difficult for people who have not encountered simulators. Going to the gym is the best option. In addition, you need to go there no more than 3 times a week. The rest of the time you can do at home.

During training, large muscle masses should be involved. This will have a strong tonic effect on the whole body and will contribute to the burning of fat cells. In this case, weight loss will continue for some time after training. Thus, you can not only start the process of eliminating extra pounds, but also get rid of muscle atrophy, physical inactivity.

On days free from visiting the gym, you need to resort to aerobic exercises. You can do cycling, brisk walking, jogging, swimming. A good alternative is fitness. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fact that aerobic loads are well combined with exercises in the gym.

The ideal option is to do fitness (aerobic training) immediately after strength exercises for 15-30 minutes. Thus, you can get the maximum effect. However, such measures can lead to overload of the body and psyche. So moderate, regular work on yourself, accompanied by a good mood, will be much better than excessive zeal.

Gym-burning workouts in the gym twice – three times a week will not take much time, but will have a noticeable effect. You can support the process of losing weight with the help of ordinary walks. They must last at least 20 minutes and be done at least 4 times a week. The walk should be relaxing, but accompanied by walking at an average pace. Such a simple measure will allow you to continue to lose weight in the established rhythm..

How to get rid of subcutaneous fat with a diet

Physical activity will not bring results if you continue to eat improperly. It is necessary to radically revise your diet. Confectionery and refined products, bakery products, pasta, fried potatoes are excluded from the menu.

Preference is given to foods rich in protein: chicken, fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, dairy, legumes and nuts. The source of complex carbohydrates is porridge. They are prepared on water and consumed in small portions. At the same time, it is worth restricting the use of fruits and berries, preferring vegetables.

Balanced fat burning foods:

  • Low-fat dairy – yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, whey;
  • Ginger. A drink based on it is used, and it is also added as a seasoning to dishes;
  • Cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • Cucumbers (in season) have a diuretic effect;
  • Cinnamon. It is added to tea, coffee, kefir. Mix with honey;
  • Grapefruit. They eat it together with bitter inner membranes, since it is they that contain the most vitamin C and flavonoidanaringin;
  • Green tea. Drink 3 cups a day;
  • Water – at least 500 ml per day;
  • Raspberry. These berries contain enzymes that break down fat cells;
  • Mustard stimulates the production of gastric juice, promotes the digestive system;
  • Oranges. Citruses well satisfy hunger and are a valuable source of ascorbic acid;
  • Almonds saturate well, therefore, suitable for snacks;
  • Horseradish. Contains enzymes that promote weight loss. It is added to fish and meat dishes;
  • Beans are a source of protein. It is used in salads or as a side dish;
  • Pineapples reduce hunger and improve digestion;
  • Quality red wine in an amount of 50 ml per day;
  • Apples / pears are suitable as a snack (3 pcs. Per day);
  • Oatmeal saturates and energizes well.

By changing your diet, becoming more physically active, you can lose weight without an exhausting diet.

In this case, the body will receive all the necessary substances, it will not be either depleted or overloaded. A well-chosen training program does not exhaust, but rather, will bring the body into tone. Stick to these rules and lose weight with pleasure!