Causes of cellulitis: what triggers the “orange peel”

What is the concept of a perfectly beautiful body for you? This is most likely the shape, size, degree of muscle development, thin waist, smoothness and elasticity of the skin. That’s about the smoothness and elasticity of the skin must definitely talk in more detail. In order for your skin to always have an attractive appearance, you must constantly fight against such a terrible enemy as cellulite.

What is cellulite and how to deal with it

You will now say that even 30-40 years ago no one even had an idea about such a concept. To be more precise, women did not suspect that cellulite is their worst enemy. Times are changing, and now even every schoolgirl knows that he spoils the skin, its appearance. How to deal with him?

Cellulite was at all times, but only in our days they began to consider it a clear lack of a female body. Take a closer look, because even in the paintings of great artists who depicted nude beauties, one can clearly see cellulite.

He was never hidden and his appearance was not considered a problem..

On the contrary, the “orange peel” was a clear sign of female beauty, as it testified to health.

Cellulite is an altered structure of adipose tissue. Such changes occur as a result of metabolic characteristics..

Only women are susceptible to cellulite, since the female body initially has more fat mass than men. The medical term for the designation of cellulitis is called edematous fibrous panniculopathy or panniculitis, as well as fat lipodystrophy, nodular liposclerosis, edematofibrosclerotic panniculitis. Cellulite is popularly called “orange peel syndrome”.

Almost every woman after 20 years has cellulite of the first stage. In some cases, the manifestations of cellulite can be observed even in girls at the time of puberty.

In addition, thanks to numerous studies, it became known that the causes of cellulite are, to a greater or lesser extent, the lifestyle that we lead.

Most often – this is inactive, wearing high heels, improper nutrition, frequent stressful situations and a set of bad habits such as smoking and regular drinking.

In this case, one of the most significant factors is precisely the stress that is present in the life of every woman.

In order to find out whether you are the “happy” owner of the “orange peel” and to identify the causes of cellulite in your priest, you just need to slightly apply pressure to the skin in the buttocks and thighs, placing fingers of one hand across the muscle fibers and the other a few centimeters from the first . If you slightly move your arms towards each other and see dimples and tubercles – this is a clear sign that now is the time to begin an active struggle for the beauty of your body.

Cellulite developmental stages

In fact, not everyone, or rather, very few, know about the causes of cellulite on female legs and that its development occurs in several stages.

There are three of them:

  • Hard cellulite (present in all women and even adolescents), while it is almost impossible to notice, and the “orange peel” almost does not appear;
  • In the second stage, the “orange peel” is pronounced with characteristic cellulite tubercles and dimples;
  • “Soft” or “loose” cellulite – this is the third stage. During this period, cellulite formations appear most pronounced. The parts of the body that are affected by cellulite practically lose their shape, the skin ceases to be smooth and elastic, tubercles and dimples can now be observed even without any pressure on the skin.

The causes of cellulite are as follows:

Low mobility;

Poor nutrition;

Frequent wearing high unstable heels;

Frequent stressful conditions;

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking);


The last three points are the main causes of thin cellulite.

How to get rid of the obsessive “orange peel”?

At least 1-2 of all of the above in our life is necessarily present, and this indicates that absolutely every girl or woman can have cellulite on the priest, legs, arms.

In order to minimize its progression, it is necessary to limit to the maximum all of these negative factors that adversely affect health.

This applies to smoking and alcohol..

If you cannot completely get rid of them, then their maximum restriction will help to suspend the process..

It is equally important to give the female body a rest from tight clothing (bras, panties and others). This improves blood microcirculation and there is less chance for the appearance of cellulite.

As for nutrition, your main principle should be:

  • Moderation;
  • Diversity;
  • Limitation of flour and sweet;
  • Minimum salt and sugar;
  • As many fruits and vegetables as possible in the diet.

Expert Advice

It is impossible to get rid of this disease forever, however, you can begin to identify the cause and treatment of cellulite, thereby reducing the degree of its manifestation if:

Drink 1-1.5 liters of pure mineral water per day;

Make a daily diet with the obligatory inclusion of fresh herbs and vegetables;

Eat meat and fish products with vegetables, and not with potatoes and pasta;

Regularly take care of body skin (perform physical exercises, massage, use special cosmetics).

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The same can be said about cellulite..

However, if you did not think and did not do this earlier, then you should think about what is the treatment for this ailment. Let’s look at the options.

All kinds of cosmetic products can have a different effect on cellulite..

The difference is in the active components that make up their composition:

  • Mechanical components – penetrate deep into the skin and dilute fats, while dilating blood vessels;
  • Decongestants – help remove excess fluid and relieve swelling;
  • Venotonic components – resist the penetration of glucose into the cells, which is involved in the formation of fat;
  • Enzymatic components – contribute to the removal of metabolic products and the release of accumulations of fat.

We all know that cellulite can be on the pope and legs, however, there are women who suffer from cellulite on their hands.

Such cellulite tubercles cause them many problems, forcing them to hide their hands under the clothes, while the forearms are overgrown with fat, become flabby and tight to the clothes.

The advanced stage of cellulitis in the hands is also accompanied by painful sensations, cramps, rupture of small blood vessels.

What are the causes of cellulite on full female hands? One of the first reasons is a violation of venous blood flow, which is most often the case in older women.

To combat cellulite in the hands, it is important to adhere to all the above rules, and in addition to perform simple exercises with dumbbells, and if health allows, then do push-ups, pull-ups, exercise on weight training machines. Take care of yourself and be healthy!