Atopic dermatitis in children – treatment with folk remedies and medications. Causes and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in a child, video and photo


In medical practice, cases of atopic dermatitis have become more frequent: both adults and children suffer from this ailment. With adequate treatment, already in half of small patients, by the age of two years, any symptoms pass. When diagnosing the manifestation of atopic dermatitis in children, it is important to start treatment immediately, continuing it even with the onset of periods of remission.


  • Hereditary predisposition. The tendency to allergic diseases is formed in the child in the mother’s womb. If one of the baby’s parents was sick / sick with atopic dermatitis or allergies, then the chances are good that the child will manifest this disease.
  • Poor-quality toys, hygiene products, clothing. Toys made from chemical components, synthetic fibers in clothes, unnatural composition of hygiene products can provoke dermatitis on the sensitive skin of the baby.
  • Insect bites, touching plants. If the protective function of the child’s body is insufficient, even a mosquito bite or contact with nettles can cause an atopic rash.
  • Food. The gastrointestinal tract of a child of the first year of life produces an insufficient amount of enzymes that contribute to the digestive process. Failure to comply with the diet of the nursing mother, the presence of allergic products in the child’s diet, a change in nutrition from breastfeeding to artificial – can trigger the appearance of the disease.
  • Against the background of other diseases. Other diseases are associated with atopic dermatitis – diabetes, anemia, gastritis, enterocolitis, bronchial asthma.

Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the skin, excessive dryness, peeling of the skin in areas where redness, irritation, and bubbles with fluid appear.

What are the symptoms to determine the presence of atopic dermatitis in a child:

  • The rash is localized in the areas of folds on the trunk, buttocks, limbs, face with the same frequency. It can appear on the back, scalp, in places of friction, contact with clothing – knees, elbows, neck, cheeks.
  • Initially, redness is noted on the skin area, accompanied by the appearance of an atopic rash, vesicles with fluid and itching.
  • With prolonged combing, the skin area swells, crusts, is very dry, forming cracks and bleeding wounds, erosion.
  • Diathesis – reddened cheeks, forehead, chin. The manifestation of diathesis along with dermatitis occurs in infants, children from 1 to 3 years.
  • Increased nervousness, emotionality, hyperactivity.
  • Gastrointestinal problems – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  • Conjunctivitis, rashes on the lips, eyelids, nasal mucosa – with a prolonged course of dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis occurs in the stages of exacerbation and remission. The exacerbation is characterized by increased itching, scabies, as a result of which infection can develop into the wounds, which develop pustular formations. Remission and worsening fall on a cold and damp season, creating a favorable environment for the development of infection.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis

When diagnosing atopic dermatitis in a child, it is necessary to use complex treatment prescribed after consultation with several doctors – an allergist, dermatologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, neuropsychiatrist.

Drug treatment

When prescribing treatment for atopic dermatitis with medications, the age of the child, the spread of skin lesions, the presence of other diseases, and the complications caused by dermatitis are taken into account.

Group of prescribed drugs:

  • Corticosteroid creams, ointments (Lokoid, Celestoderm, Acriderm, Sinaflan, diprosalik).
  • Antiseptics (Fukartsin).
  • Antibiotics (ointment bactroban, levosin, fucidin).
  • Hyposensitizing (sodium thiosulfate).
  • Antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, ketotifen, clarithin).
  • Antibacterial (lorinden C, lincomycin ointment).
  • Sedatives (herbs, valerian, persen).
  • Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin).
  • Eubiotics (linex, lactiale).
  • Antiviral drugs (acyclovir, famvir).

Tavegil. An antihistamine, the active ingredient of which is clemastine. Available in the form of a solution or tablets. Not suitable for children under one year old..

Elokom. Hormonal drug, available in the form of ointment / cream and lotion. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiexudative effect, reduces swelling on the skin.

Fukartsin. It is applied externally. It has an antifungal, antimicrobial effect. Apply to wounds, erosion, cracks 2-4 times / day.

Lincomycin ointment. Contains antibiotic lincomycin, has an antimicrobial effect. Apply 1-2 times / day externally, to a clean area of ​​the skin, after preliminary removal of purulent masses.

Acyclovir. It is used in patients with the herpes simplex virus to prevent the development of infectious diseases with low immunity. Available in the form of tablets, injection or ointment.

Linex. A drug containing 3 types of viable lactic acid bacteria. It is used for violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of dermatitis in children

In parallel with medicines, treatment of atopic dermatitis in young patients is accompanied by:

  • The use of baths with salt, potassium permanganate, radon, herbs.
  • By applying moist-drying dressings to the affected areas.
  • Ultraviolet light.
  • Paraffin Appliques.

Diet for atopic dermatitis

With atopic dermatitis, infants are advised to limit the intake of cow’s milk to one year old, replacing it with adapted mixtures. After a year, the diet should include a minimum number of eggs, cereals, nuts, citrus fruits. Add corn, buckwheat or rice cereal – they rarely cause allergies.

Continue to maintain proper nutrition is necessary after the child is 3 years old. It will consist in the exclusion of fatty, spicy and spicy foods, you will also have to refuse semi-finished products, long-term storage products and others containing preservatives. Juices and mashed potatoes are best done on their own, the same applies to sausages.

The most important step is to find the cause of the atopic rash in children as a reaction to pathogens. Food allergies are the root cause of the disease. Therefore, before the disappearance of all symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to ensure that the child ate what kind of reaction the product caused him.

A diet is considered a particularly important step in the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis..

An approximate dietary menu for a baby with a disease:

  • For breakfast, oatmeal on the water. 150 grams of butter can be added to the porridge. Bread with bran 70 grams. An hour with sugar or honey.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup (potatoes, carrots, cabbage, a spoon of vegetable / olive oil, 60 grams of beef). 150 gram bread with bran, compote.
  • Snack – natural yogurt, without additives or kefir 200 grams.
  • For dinner, buckwheat porridge, rice or oatmeal in vegetable oil 180 grams, applesauce 150 grams or baked fruits (apples, pears) 2-3 pieces.

Treatment with folk remedies

Decoction of birch buds. You will need 1 cup of birch buds, 2 cups of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the kidneys, cook in a steam bath for 20 minutes. Strain and wipe affected skin.

Oak bark. To prepare the broth, you need to take 2 tablespoons of oak bark, 1 liter of water. Grind oak bark, pour water, cook on a steam bath for about an hour. You can drink the ready-made broth, or apply dressings to an atopic rash.

Chamomile, chreda and sage. 2 tablespoons of each herb, pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 40 minutes. Let the broth infuse in a cool place, after wiping the wounds, apply gauze compresses.

Cranberry Juice. Take 400 grams of cranberries, pass through a juicer. Mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed cranberry juice with 200 g of petroleum jelly. Apply topically as an ointment.

Aloe juice, Kalanchoe and honey. For one glass of Kalanchoe juice, take the same amount of liquid honey, mix, place in a dark, cool place for 1 week. Add half a glass of aloe juice to the finished tincture. Lubricate affected skin.

Leaves of plantain and yarrow. You will need 300 grams of plantain, 300 grams of yarrow, grind the raw materials into powder, put in gauze and apply to areas of the skin.

Chamomile, lime blossom. These herbs relieve itching from the surface of the skin. From a decoction based on chamomile and linden blossom, it is useful to make baths for children.


So that the problem of atopic dermatitis does not affect your children and does not have to be treated, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • From an early age, use only proper nutrition. If a baby is breastfeeding, a woman should observe proper nutrition – exclude the use of everything that can cause dermatitis.
  • Use hypoallergenic cream and soap for skin care..
  • After bathing, do not wipe the baby’s skin, but pat it with a cotton towel.
  • Try not to use baby wet wipes, they can cause inflammation of dermatitis. In any case, it is better to wash the skin with soap and water.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
  • If you need a long walk, keep all the individual items of the baby in a separate case.
  • Clothes and bedding should be sewn from cotton or other natural fabrics..
  • Before vaccination, consult your doctor if these drugs can cause allergies..

If atopic dermatitis already exists, in order not to resort to treatment, it is necessary to prevent exacerbation. You can also adhere to the above recommendations and additionally use alternative recipes. Note that dermatitis is not contagious, the child can attend school or kindergarten. Follow diets, use digestive enzymes, vitamins, herbs, and then you can refuse the medical treatment of dermatitis in a child.