How to pump up the buttocks

Beautiful toned buttocks are hard work on yourself. Only thanks to regular training, each beauty will be able to pump elastic seductive buttocks. If you are not satisfied with their shape, then a couple of simple exercises that are easy to perform at home are enough, the main thing is to do them regularly.

How to quickly pump up the buttocks

How long you can pump your buttocks – it all depends on what the result is: just tighten and give the buttocks a tone or significantly increase its volume. In the first case, you will notice the changes in a week or two, in the second – it will take months of regular training.
It is impossible to pump large buttocks without using additional weight, you can only strengthen them, give them the right shape and remove the so-called ears.

Gluteus Exercises

Large gluteal muscles, which are located on the back of the pelvis, are responsible for the shape and fit. Medium and small form a beautiful line of the hips and are located on the lateral surfaces of the pelvis.

Deep squats

Feet slightly narrower or shoulder width apart. Start crouching, pushing your ass back, as if trying to sit on an invisible chair. Squat as deep as possible (the lower you go down, the more your buttock muscles will work). Perform 20 repetitions. Rest no more than a minute. You can increase the load by picking up dumbbells..

The back should remain straight, and the knees should not protrude beyond the socks..



Take dumbbells (you can do without them), stand straight, put your legs a little narrower than shoulder width. Step forward and sit down until your thigh is parallel to the floor. At the same time, the shoulders are straightened and the arms are lowered. Return to your original position. So 15-20 reps per leg.

The back should remain straight and not lean forward. This exercise involves not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also the front surface of the thigh.


Plie squats

Arrange your legs wider than your shoulders, turn your socks at an angle of 45 degrees. Keeping your back straight, sit down slowly, and then return to your original position as slowly. In addition to the buttocks, this exercise also trains the inner thigh muscles, which are very weak in most girls.

The knees should not protrude beyond the socks, and the back remained straight. To rock the buttocks, you need to squat as deep as possible.


Gluteus bridge

Lying on the floor, bend your legs and position them shoulder width apart. In this position, raise and lower the pelvis. To complicate the exercise, you can stretch one leg or put something heavy on your hips.

Rising, linger at the top point, trying as much as possible to squeeze the buttocks.


Mahi back on the floor

Kneeling, put your palms on the floor. Bend your leg and lift it as far as possible, return to its original position. So 20 reps per leg. You can use weighting materials as an additional load.

Performing this exercise, linger at the top point, trying to minimize muscle.


Mahi back standing

Take a chair. Holding the back for balance, with your right foot perform powerful swings back. After 20 reps, turn the other side and repeat the movements with your left foot.

Putting your leg back, you need to maximize strain on the buttocks.


Exercises for the middle and small gluteal muscles

Mahi to the side lying on its side

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. Lift and lower your leg up, lingering at the top point. Perform each repetition of several repetitions. Any swoops to the side are the best exercises for girls, because with their help you can give your hips a smooth shape and smooth out protruding pelvic bones.

The body should be along a straight line, and the leg should not bend at the knee. To pump the lateral (middle) gluteal muscles, the amplitude of movement should be as large as possible.


Swing to the side on the floor

Kneeling, put your palms on the floor. Take your foot to the side, hold on a little, lower it. Do 20 reps on each leg. You can use weights to increase the load.

Performing this exercise, you need to take your leg as far as possible to use the lateral muscles of the buttocks well.
