Bruising after various types of massage is a fairly common occurrence. Some people are even sure that the more painful the procedure is carried out, and the more hematomas and bruises remain after it, the more significant the therapeutic and preventive effect is achieved. Meanwhile, for some types of exposure, such traces are completely unacceptable, and their appearance indicates exclusively the specialist’s lack of professionalism..
In this article we will tell you why, in some cases, bruises remain after the massage, and under what forms it should never be..
Is it normal if bruises remain after a back massage??
Most often, patients resort to the services of professional masseurs for certain diseases of the back and spine. In addition, such an effect on the human body is excellent for relaxing and strengthening muscles and is often used to prevent various ailments..
There is an opinion that during a back massage it is impossible to avoid painful sensations, after which ugly dark marks appear on certain parts of the body. In fact, this is not at all true, and bruises in such a situation can appear only if the wrong technique is used.
The correct implementation of massage techniques is designed to restore muscle elasticity, improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels. Bruises, on the other hand, occur when the integrity of the capillaries is broken and they break. In addition, bruising can occur if the massage therapist pinches your skin during work..
Thus, if after a back massage you have hematomas and other ugly traces, as well as severe pain and discomfort, you should contact another specialist.
A similar technique should cause relaxation, as well as slight muscle soreness. Bruises can only occur after applying harsh types of exposure, such as honey, can and anti-cellulite massage.
Should there be bruises after the anti-cellulite massage procedure?
Usually, it is precisely in such girls that body massage causes a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, and after this procedure small bruises and even bruises occur in various areas.
In most cases, such traces appear on the woman’s body at the beginning of the session, when the massage therapist has not yet figured out how to work with the skin, so as not to leave ugly bruises. In addition, the dermis itself takes some time to get used to a fairly intense effect..
You should not be afraid of bruises formed on your body during anti-cellulite massage. If the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist, very soon your skin will get used to it, and there will not be a hint of these ugly marks on it.
To quickly get rid of this side effect, you can use one of the following methods:
- for a while, 2-3 times a day, apply a warm heating pad to the affected area;
- smear bruises with ointment or cream with a high content of body paint;
- make a compress from the grass of mountain arnica or saber;
- for lotion, you can use a mixture of medicinal plants, consisting of melilot, clover, lemon balm and mountaineer;
- apply iodine mesh to a painful area of the skin;
- to strengthen the blood vessels, “Troxerutin” in tablets should be taken once a day;
- to dissolve blood clots faster and get rid of hematomas, the damaged area should be constantly smeared with a topical medicine containing heparin, for example, Lyoton-gel.
Why do bruises often remain on my body after can massage??
Almost all of us, one way or another, are familiar with can massage and other elements of vacuum therapy. After any such procedure, bruises will necessarily form on the body, but in their appearance they are more likely to resemble rather large red spots. Scientifically, these tracks are called extravasates..
The basis of the action of vacuum therapy is always the property of fluid flowing from a zone of higher pressure to a zone of lower pressure. Moreover, the lower the pressure, the greater the amount of liquid rushing there.
A well-known massage by banks is one of the main elements of vacuum therapy, during which a low-pressure area is created where fluids are sent immediately, namely blood and lymph. Moreover, the stronger the specialist sucks your skin with a can, the more bright and outstanding marks remain on it.
All this explains the nature of extravasates, which necessarily appear on the patient’s body, at least after the first sessions of canning. In some cases, after 3-4 procedures, lymph movement and blood circulation normalize, after which the person ceases to experience pain, and ugly marks no longer appear on his skin.
Meanwhile, in most cases, after using cans, hematomas remain in the last sessions, however, they become much less bright.
Is it normal if bruises appear on the body after a honey massage??
Honey rubbing, or massage, is used in various situations, including to get rid of cellulite. The essence of this procedure is that first, honey is applied to the problem areas, and then, knead with strong claps, during which the palm “sticks” to the patient’s body, and then comes off with a sharp movement.
In this case, due to the influence of conditions resembling a microvacuum, the blood flow increases, and the blood vessels expand.
It is quite natural that as a result of one or several sessions of the procedure, which is vaguely reminiscent of the elements of vacuum therapy, small bruises may form on the patient’s skin.
In most cases, they are almost invisible and pass very quickly, however, for some girls, such ugly traces can deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations. Particularly severe hematomas occur in obese women with advanced cellulite..
To prevent the appearance of such ugly hematomas, you must use the following recommendations:
Before the session, you should take a hot shower to steam out the body, as well as use a scrub. To do this, you can use ordinary ground coffee or any cosmetic product;
Next, the body must be stretched. A specialist can do a light rubbing with his hands or use a special massager;
Immediately before applying honey to the body, you should add a few drops of any essential oil, for example, bergamot, orange or eucalyptus. So you not only prevent the appearance of hematomas, but also give a unique aroma to the remedy for getting rid of cellulite and other skin problems;
The resulting mixture should be applied only to dry skin with light circular movements of the palm, then it must be left on the body for 1-2 minutes and only after that proceed with the honey rubbing procedure;
After the session, a calming cream or lotion should be applied to the whole body.
Thus, the appearance of hematomas and other ugly marks on the body after one or more massage sessions can sometimes be absolutely normal, however, in some cases, this state of affairs should alert you and think about changing the massage therapist.
In addition, in a small part of people, the dermis is so sensitive that any, even the slightest, exposure to it leads to the appearance of hematomas. In such a situation, you should increase the time between sessions and try to soothe your skin after the procedure in all possible ways..