How to treat eczema on the hands at home. Eczema on the hands – treatment at the initial stage


A person gives a lot of physical and emotional discomfort of eczema on his hands (weeping lichen). This disease is characterized by inflammation of the skin on the hands with the formation of vesicles, which subsequently burst and can turn into pustules. Eczema causes unbearable itching and has a relapsing character. What leads to the development of this disease? What are the effective methods of treating eczema on the fingers, palms?

Causes of eczema on the hands

Every 4th patient visiting a dermatologist is diagnosed with eczema. This disease can affect different parts of the body (face, feet, etc.) and appears in people of different ages, lifestyles, and sex. The reasons for the development of eczema on the hands, fingers are completely unclear. However, doctors identify a number of factors that can lead to the occurrence of lichen.

Experts suggest that the disease occurs when several factors are affected simultaneously. Many doctors believe that disorders in the digestive, endocrine, nervous system are an impetus for the appearance of weeping lichen. Often the soil for the development of eczema becomes an allergy. Factors that provoke the appearance of weeping lichen on the hands include:

  • contact of hands with artificial flavors, dyes that may be in food, cosmetics, household chemicals;
  • wearing watches, bracelets, rings from alloys of different metals;
  • drug use;
  • vaccination;
  • the presence in the body of worms, fungal or bacterial infections;
  • insect bites;
  • the use of products containing a large number of artificial components or causing allergies;
  • diabetes, disorders in the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands;
  • allergy to pollen, animal hair, mold spores;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence.

Common types of eczema

The type of eczema depends on the factor that triggered the disease. Soaking lichen is classified into the following types: seborrheic, microbial, occupational, pediatric, true, dry, callous, atopic eczema. There are two phases of the course of this disease: chronic, acute. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes treatment. Consider what signs have common different types of eczema in the area of ​​the hands:

  • True eczema manifests itself in the form of red spots on the skin, vesicles with serous fluid, wetting areas. And in the chronic course of the disease, cracks and severe edema appear on the hands. This type of disease manifests itself, as a rule, symmetrically on both hands. A common type of true weeping lichen is dry eczema on the hands of which treatment should not be delayed by patients. It is characterized by cracks, roughness, itching..
  • The microbial form of eczema forms on the skin in the foci of chronic inflammation with the development of additional infection. This type of weeping has many varieties. If a fungus joins the infection on the skin, then mycotic microbial eczema occurs, and if rashes appear at the site of the injury, then the soaking lichen has a paratraumatic form. Often in patients there is dyshidrotic eczema of the hands, treatment of which must be started immediately after diagnosis. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of vesicles, nodules. If you do not treat microbial eczema, then later it becomes the true form of weeping.
  • Professional eczema in its manifestations is similar to true, but the cause of its occurrence is prolonged contact with an allergen that occurs at the patient’s place of work. The first signs of this type of eczema are similar to the manifestation of dermatitis. If this disease begins to be treated after the first signs are detected, then it will be possible to prevent the disease from transitioning to the chronic stage.
  • Callous eczema is localized on the palms and is characterized by a thickening of the stratum corneum and the formation of hyperkeratosis in place of bursting vesicles.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The first signs of eczema on the hands, fingers becomes itching and redness. The next stage in the development of this disease is dense edema. Then there are many small vesicles with serous content. At this stage, patients often suffer from fever, burning, severe itching. Well, if this makes a person sign up for a doctor, then the subsequent phases of development can be avoided..

A further phase in the development of eczema is the appearance of cracks in weeping areas at the sites of inflammation. If at this stage of the disease an infection gets into the skin affected by weeping deprivation, the disease will take on a more complex form. In this case, vesicles filled with pus may appear. When they burst, erosion of a weeping type with an unpleasant odor appears in their place.

How to treat eczema

If eczema symptoms occur, you should consult a good dermatologist for advice. After the examination, the doctor will decide which examination to take and what preparations to treat this skin disease. How to cure eczema on the hands? To get rid of weeping lichen, doctors recommend a comprehensive approach that includes the use of certain medications and lifestyle changes. Drug treatment should occur in parallel with the following conditions:

  • The correct mode of the day. It helps to get rid of sleep deprivation, nervous strain, fatigue, which can weaken the immune system and reduce the effect of the treatment of eczema..
  • Full sleep is an important condition for effective treatment. The patient needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Hypoallergenic diet.
  • Protect your hands from the negative effects of the sun, chemicals, soaps.

Hypoallergenic diet

It is important for patients with eczema to exclude products from the diet that can cause allergic reactions. Such people are not recommended to include eggs, smoked meats, canned goods, too salty foods, spices, alcoholic beverages in the menu. Patients with weeping lichen need to limit the consumption of animal fats, which are found, for example, in beef, pork, cheeses. The diet must be designed so that vitamins B and C enter the body in sufficient quantities.

Local treatment

To get rid of lichen, external methods of treatment are used. It can be lotions, baths, antiseptic, hormonal ointments from eczema on the hands. Often, doctors for topical administration prescribe corticosteroids in creams or pastes. These ointments from weeping lichen have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to accelerate wound healing. But it is necessary to use hormonal drugs and creams from eczema on the hands as directed by a doctor to minimize the risk of side effects from these drugs.

In the acute form of weeping lichen lotions with boric acid, silver nitrate, dimexide effectively help. It is recommended to treat the skin during the bursting of vesicles with salicylic, boric ointment, diprosalik solution, and baths with potassium permanganate solution will facilitate the patient’s condition in this phase of the disease. Care for affected skin must be gentle.

Drug therapy

If local methods of treating eczema do not give results, then the doctor will prescribe the intake of medications inside. These can be antihistamines to relieve allergic manifestations, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, cytostatics. If an infectious component is added to the manifestations of weeping lichen, then the doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy to the patient.

Folk remedies

In parallel with drug treatment, baths, lotions, decoctions from plants can be used to combat eczema. Such natural remedies do not have side effects and are able to alleviate the condition of the patient, speed up recovery. Before using any folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The following are some effective alternative methods for treating weeping lichen on the hands:

  • Baths with salt give a good effect at the beginning of the development of weeping lichen. For this procedure, you need to take 10 tsp. sea ​​salt and dilute them in 1 liter of boiling water. Cool the solution and hold hands in it for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your palms under running water and treat with a moisturizer.
  • A decoction of burdock is recommended for prolonged eczema. To prepare this potion take 1 tbsp. l crushed burdock roots, pour them with 200 ml of hot water and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered through cheesecloth and drunk 2 times a day before meals. The use of this drug is combined with the local use of a decoction of burdock in the form of lotions / baths. It is prepared by boiling for 30 minutes, 2 tbsp. l crushed burdock roots, filled with 3 l of water. Filter the broth and hold hands in it 2 times a day for 50 minutes.
  • Lotions with Kalanchoe juice. One leaf of the plant is crushed and liquid is squeezed out of it. Vata or bandage is dipped in Kalanchoe juice and applied to the inflamed area on the hands.

Prevention methods

To prevent the development of weeping lichen in the area of ​​the hands or to eliminate the likelihood of relapse, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle (do not smoke, do not drink alcohol), protect yourself from the risk of chronic stress due to lack of sleep and excessive stress, monitor your health, eliminating allergic reactions in time and infectious diseases. Do not get involved in cleansing cosmetic procedures so as not to disrupt the protective function of the skin. Under stress, drink natural sedatives.

What does the initial stage of eczema look like – photo

The development of eczema on the fingers and hands lasts from several days to months. The onset of weeping lichen is characterized by the appearance of redness, swelling, itching on the skin of the hands. It is important to start treatment at the first signs of the disease in order to prevent the transition of eczema into a chronic disease. What the weeping lichen looks like at the initial stage is shown in the photographs below..