Secrets of creating a comfortable living room

Before you are empty rooms, but chaos is happening in your head? How to arrange furniture, where to hang TV, whether to break walls, where to hide the abundance of cabinets and not see trash?

We will facilitate your task and share tips in this article on how to make a comfortable layout of the living room.

  • Whether to combine the kitchen with the living room?
  • How to arrange furniture?
  • Where to hang TV?
  • What shape to choose a sofa?
  • How to hide cabinets in the living room?
living room

Making the design of a cozy living room

It’s about the living room for a reason. This zone is the main one in the interior, if you figure it out and organize it competently, then the success of the project is guaranteed.

Whether to combine the kitchen with the living room?

Often people ask this question and cannot decide. First, determine whether this can be done in your apartment? There are a number of restrictions on SNIP and GOST related to the combination of living room and kitchen.
– if you have to break the load-bearing wall – coordination of such a layout is almost impossible (the maximum that can be agreed is the opening from the kitchen to the living room).

– if the kitchen has a gas stove and gas riser, then by the standards the kitchen should be closed and have a partition. In this case, you can make a glass folding partition and fully enjoy life in a large living room-kitchen.

living room

If there are no issues with coordination and you have the opportunity to combine the two zones – feel free to combine.
You will increase the area of ​​your premises visually. And nowadays, as you know, the main wealth is free space and time..
Most likely you have questions: what about the smells, because when you cook it will smell very much in the living room? If you ask yourself this question, I want to ask you: if something burned out in your kitchen, does the door to the room save you? The smell diverges throughout the apartment anyway. But how do people live in Europe? They do not burn anything? The issue of odors is solved by a powerful hood.

living room

How to arrange furniture in the living room?

Before you start arranging furniture, determine the center of the composition. Center – this does not mean the center of the room. Furniture will be directed to the center of the composition, in fact all objects will line up around it. In Russia, most often such a center in the living room is a TV. If for you the living room is a place where you can chat by the fireplace, then the fireplace will be such a center. Once we have identified the center, we build the whole composition and arrangement of furniture around it. Do not forget to think about the functions of furniture.

living room

How to hang a TV?

If you have defined a TV as a compositional center, here are some tips for placing it.
– It is advisable not to put TV in the passage through.
Think about how you and your roommates will move around the room (draw with arrows on the plan) and see if someone will interfere with viewing.

– It is advisable not to put the TV in front of the window.
The problem is most often in glare. On the south side is a lot of sun and light. And it is this fact that can play a trick on watching TV. Of course, if there is no other way out – the problem is solved by a curtain or blinds.

– If you are hanging the TV or placing the projector, consider how high the screen will hang. If you hang it high, it will be very uncomfortable to look with your head up. When watching movies, the neck will hurt from this position of the head.

living room

What shape to choose a sofa?

There are a lot of options – you can straight, you can angular, you can p-shaped. What is your task? Sit down as many guests as possible? Watch TV in comfort? Your imagination will help you decide. Imagine what processes will take place in the room. What will you do when guests arrive, where you will seat them?
How do you imagine watching TV, reading a book, working on a laptop. It is only a question of your lifestyle and a question of how you will interact with the interior..
After analyzing all the information, and combining with the capabilities and area of ​​the room, make a decision.

living room

How to hide cabinets in the living room?

As a rule, a lot needs to be placed in the living room. But I don’t want to litter the space with cabinets, I want to remove everything that prevents the eye from relaxing and resting.
– if the room is elongated – use a smaller wall for storage. Using the wall as a whole (whether it be racks, cabinets, wardrobes), you make the space more square and correct. If we put the cabinets as separate elements, it will be perceived as a piece of furniture that occupies the precious place of the living room. And if you use storage systems from floor to ceiling – it will be visually perceived as a wall inside which something is stored (a niche). The room remains spacious, without extra furniture.
– The second interesting way is to hide cabinets. To erect a column in the center of the wall, on which you can place the center of the composition (fireplace, mirror, TV). On both sides we have niches that we use to mask cabinets. But how do we eat so much space? You ask.
In fact, we take away the space of the room, but visually your room is free, there is nothing superfluous in it, it is spacious and nothing prevents.

living room
living room