How to choose a carpet size for different rooms in the house


After the carpet appears in the room – soft and warm, the space turns into a more comfortable and soulful. In addition, using the carpet, you can separate one zone from another, or make it an accent of the room due to the texture, color and pattern.

Nevertheless, the process of choosing a carpet sometimes becomes quite difficult, not only because of the large assortment offered in stores, but also because it can be difficult to choose the right size. Next, we will understand what criteria should be followed in order to acquire a suitable copy

On a note:

If in doubt, make a choice in favor of a larger carpet, because it will look better in comparison with a small analogue, especially in a spacious room. You should not buy a carpet that is clearly sized for the floor in the entrance area. Remember that it is subject to constant pollution, and the edge of the carpet near the door will soon be “drowned.” Tables, dressers, sideboards and display cabinets should either be completely installed on the carpet, or the latter should be chosen so that its edges do not reach the supports such furniture in order to avoid its instability. Choosing a carpet for a room, you need to determine its purpose: zoning, aesthetics, warmth and comfort. Based on this, you can choose an instance of the required size.

How to choose the size of the carpet in the bedroom

In the bedroom, carpets are usually laid in the bedside to emphasize it and make the floor warmer, because every time, after waking up or before going to bed, putting your feet on a cold floor is very unpleasant.

So, you can lay one large carpet under the bed so that it goes beyond its borders by at least 40-50 cm. This means that the size of the carpet, in general, should be 1 m longer and wider than the dimensions of the bed.

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet
Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

How to choose the size of the carpet in the living room

In the room for receiving guests, the carpet serves, rather, as a zoning object or a decorative accessory, which often finds application in a sofa zone in order to create a welcoming atmosphere or maintain its coloristic solution (stylistics).

Option number 1 – Carpet in the center of the sofa group

The carpet in the center of the sofa group, that is, by the size of the distance between the pieces of furniture, allows you to determine the compositional center of this zone and provide warmth and comfort for the sitting.

This option is suitable for small cozy living rooms, and will allow you to quickly and easily clean the room.

The standard size of the carpet for small living rooms is 1.5 x 1.8 m – this will be enough to mark the center of the sofa group without going beyond the legs of furniture.

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

Option number 2 – Medium sized carpet

The carpet, which goes half the depth of the sofa and armchairs behind the front legs of the furniture, helps to identify the boundaries of this functional area, is reliably and motionlessly fixed by the supports of furnishings (a size equal to 1.8 (2) x2.7 m is ideal for this.

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

Option number 3 – Large carpet

The maximum large carpet with a size of at least 2.7×3.6 m should be located in spacious living rooms with massive furniture, represented by a variety of objects, from a sofa to pouffes and consoles in one zone. Furniture installed throughout the carpet will allow you to freely move around it and create a holistic, centralized living room environment..

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

How to choose the size of the carpet in the nursery

It is important for parents that their children grow up in comfort and warmth, but the children’s room, at the same time, should also be practical, which is not always possible if a large carpet is used..

Since toddlers, and older children, love to play on the floor, and here it’s advisable to do creative work (sculpting, drawing, making crafts from nature’s gifts from the garden), to make a small carpet in the play area (often this is the center of the room), size from 0.7×1.5m.

It will provide heat and help make frequent and forced cleaning much easier..

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet
Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

How to choose the size of the carpet in the kitchen and dining room

In specific rooms, such as the kitchen, where we not only eat food, but also, accordingly, prepare it, the practicality of all materials and objects used in the environment is important.

So, for example, carpets are rarely used in the kitchen, but if this happens, they are laid out only in the dining area in order to designate it as an independent area, or as a decorative addition.

If you think logically, using a small carpet that barely peeks out from under the legs of the dining table is completely inappropriate. So, this item must go beyond the boundaries of the table, as well as chairs, in addition, in the extended state. Therefore, the size of the carpet under the dining group should be such that it exceeds its borders by at least 30-50 cm around the entire perimeter.

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet
Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet

How to choose the size of the carpet in the hallway

The choice of carpets and walkways for hallways and corridors should be based on elementary logic. It is important to remember that these are walk-through rooms where we often go in outer clothing and shoes, which means that frequent and heavy pollution on the floor becomes commonplace.

So, if you want to preserve the presentable appearance of the carpet paths for a long time, they should be selected so that there is a distance of 20-30 cm from the doors and walls to the edges of the carpet. This, in addition, will make the space more collected and accurate than if a large carpet were placed in it over the entire floor area.

Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet
Carpets in different rooms, how to choose the size of the carpet


In order to visually imagine how the carpet will be located in the selected room, and combine with furnishings, you can use the simple way: take a group of objects (sheets of paper, magazines, a set of pencils and pens), and lay out with their help the silhouette of the future carpet in desired zone.