Vitamins for hair loss and growth. Recipes for masks with vitamins for hair, video


Problems with the condition of the hair are caused by a lack of vitamins, nutrients and other factors in the body. Deficiency of useful trace elements causes not only a deterioration in the appearance of hair, but also diseases of their roots and bulbs, as well as scalp. A lack of amino acids is the cause of dandruff. A balance of essential substances and vitamins in the body is also necessary for healthy hair. Let’s consider what vitamins for hair we need, where to get them and how to take them..

What vitamins are needed for our hair

For optimal saturation of the body with useful minerals and microelements, it is necessary to enrich the diet with products containing vitamins B, A, C, E, chemical and organic elements and enzymes – iron, iodine, zinc, keratin, other minerals, acids. Eating vegetables, nuts, soy, liver, eggs, cheese, seafood will make the diet balanced.

The body’s need for nutrients will be covered by the intake of brewer’s yeast, as well as lecithin. These products are contained in food additives on a natural basis – dietary supplements, which can be purchased and taken without a prescription, without a doctor’s prescription, unlike antibiotics.

On sale in pharmacies there is also a large selection of the latest imported and domestic vitamin complexes that will return hair to its former attractiveness, preserve shine and prevent diseases, preventing them from collapsing. Daily intake of vitamin complexes will contribute to both hair restoration and increase the immunity of the whole body.

Vitamins for hair health (in detail with a photo)

Vitamin B1 is able to regulate the functions of the nervous system, its deficiency contributes to a general deterioration in health, sleep and appetite disorders, increased sweating, which ultimately worsens the condition of the hair. Nutritionists note a high content of B1 in foods such as meat and liver, eggs, flour with bran, unpolished rice, oatmeal, avocados, and many other vegetables and fruits. This vitamin is indicated for alcohol abusers..

Vitamin B2 regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. B2 – a necessary substance for the absorption of oxygen by tissues and cells of hair and nails, a deficiency of which leads to dryness and hair loss. The daily dose of vitamin B2 for an adult is 2 milligrams, for a child – 0.5-0.8 milligrams. The consumption of peas, fish, oatmeal, buckwheat, dairy products, eggs, liver and kidneys can increase the content of B2 in the body.

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) is necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system, blood vessels and capillaries. B3 is also involved in the production of coenzymes that affect hair growth. B3 enters the body with leafy vegetables, buckwheat, flour with bran, egg yolks, potatoes, dairy products, as well as herbs and fruits – sage, rosehip.

Vitamin B5 is an active stimulator of scalp hair growth. B5 promotes wound healing, restoration of hair integrity. High B5 content in dairy products, legumes, yeast, nuts, caviar.

Vitamin B6 stimulates blood circulation in the vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Sources of B6 are corn, bran with wheat, rice, cod liver, vegetables, and other products.

Vitamin B9 regulates the process of hair restoration, a lack of this substance is considered to cause a deterioration in the appearance of hair. A large supply of B9 is found in vegetables, nuts, leafy vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, dairy products and fruits.

Vitamin B10 promotes the growth, renewal and restoration of damaged hair, eliminates gray hair and prevents baldness. High B10 content is found in brewer’s yeast, yolks, mushrooms, vegetables, nuts.

Vitamin H is responsible for skin metabolic processes, is able to retain water in the skin cells, moisturizing it. Lack of this substance causes baldness, dandruff, and skin diseases. Vitamin H is found in legumes, peanuts, tomatoes, liver, eggs.

Vitamin A is a useful substance that regulates the process of keratin production in the body. The lack of this substance slows hair growth, increases the risk of skin diseases. Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs, and liver..

Vitamin E has a positive effect on the appearance of hair, as it has the ability to protect them from harmful solar radiation. The lack of this substance causes weakening of the hair follicles, itching and diseases of the scalp. Leafy vegetables, nuts, oatmeal, wheat, soy, eggs, dairy products are rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) tends to strengthen the blood vessels and capillaries that feed the hair follicles. Healthy vessels and capillaries are the key to the health of hair. Ascorbic acid is present in vegetables, legumes, soybeans, and other products..

Vitamin F reduces cholesterol in blood vessels, which improves blood circulation in the circulatory system of the scalp. This substance is able to be absorbed in large quantities along with sunflower, peanuts, avocados, almonds..

About hair vitamins in ampoules

Especially for hair care, scientists have developed special vitamin mixtures that are sold in pharmacies. These inexpensive capsule mixtures are added to shampoo or lotion and used during shampooing. To obtain the maximum effect from these mixtures, we recommend using several vitamin capsules at the same time.

Instructions for use:

  • Mix the contents of the capsules with vitamins B1, B6, B12, E and add this mixture to the shampoo.
  • They use the mixture as follows: apply the mask to the hair, rinse off after a minute.
  • Next, the mask is applied one more time and washed off after 5 minutes.

Vitamins Preventing Hair Loss

Lack of nutrients, malnutrition causes hair loss. We recommend introducing into the diet and consuming more dairy products, kidneys, liver, fish, seafood, leafy greens, fruits, nuts, dried fruits.

In addition to the diet, it is also recommended to start taking vitamin complexes in tablets. If you inject vitamin preparations intramuscularly, their effectiveness increases slightly. Before starting injections, we advise you to consult with a specialist.

Hair Growth Vitamins

Many vitamins tend to have a positive effect on the scalp. Among them, group B, C, D, E, A. If you have problems with hair, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes as part of the treatment. Therapy consists of several components: normalization of the diet, intake of vitamin complexes and physiotherapy.

B vitamins improve growth and restore scalp after baldness, eliminate gray hair. They are found in leafy vegetables, meat, liver, egg yolks. The human body is not able to produce this useful substance, so its supplies must be replenished periodically.

Vitamin C improves blood flow to the scalp, which prevents the destruction of hair follicles – the destruction process slows down. Vitamin C is a lot in fish oil and vegetables.

Vitamins for strengthening hair

Vitamin A is a stimulant for the production of keratin, a substance that regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. It is found in dairy products, liver, egg yolks.

Vitamin H prevents hair loss, improves the production of hormones and glucose, which are responsible for their growth. Nuts, tomatoes, liver, egg yolk contain a lot of this useful substance..

Vitamin E helps retain moisture in the skin, which improves hair growth. High content of vitamin E in vegetable oil of any origin, in vegetables, legumes, egg yolk.

Hair Vitamins and Food

Here is a list of foods that contain the maximum amount of vitamins that are good for healthy hair:

  • The fish contains all the vitamins necessary for hair growth, as well as other valuable trace elements.
  • Nuts, like cereals, contain B vitamins.
  • Vegetable oil is not inferior to nuts and grains in the content of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Dairy products are rich in vitamins, other substances that are important for hair growth..
  • Leafy vegetables, most fruits, as well as natural juices from them are useful for strengthening health and immunity.

  • Eggs and especially egg yolk – a pure source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Peas and other legumes contain substances essential for healthy hair..

Wraps for strengthening and hair growth

As an alternative to factory vitamins in ampoules, we recommend using vitamin mixtures prepared according to home recipes. These vitamin masks have the texture of a cream or spray. Unlike expensive storefronts, home remedies will be inexpensive.

Mixture against hair loss


  • Sprouted Wheat – 50 grams
  • Three yolks
  • Vegetable oil – 20 grams
  • Sour cream – 40 grams
  • Cognac – 50 grams


  1. Crush the grains.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture..
  3. Mix the resulting mass.


  1. Rinse hair, apply solution on the head.
  2. Wrap the head with foil and a towel on top.
  3. After half an hour, rinse your hair twice.

Dry Hair Loss Blend


• Castor oil, birch sap – 25 grams each

• Burdock oil – 50 grams


  • Mix butter and birch sap.


  1. Apply the mask to dry hair.
  2. Wrap the head with foil and a towel on top.
  3. After 2 hours, rinse the mask with plain water, then rinse the hair with shampoo.

Try other equally effective hair loss masks..

Expert Advice

  • Nutritionists recommend eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your hair..
  • For washing, use only good purified or well water – tap water is not of good quality.
  • When washing your hair, we recommend that you apply the detergent twice.
  • Rinse hair thoroughly after washing..
  • Monitor the condition of the hairline – if you notice that the amount of daily hair loss exceeds 80-100, immediately begin treatment.

If you have already tried to use any hair vitamins from a pharmacy or made masks and noticed good results, leave your comments in the comments.