Headache in forehead and eyes – what to do. Types of headache in the forehead and eyes and treatment


Pay special attention if a person has a headache, fatigue, pressure on his eyes. This is not always resolved with an analgesic pill. Headache is a heterogeneous pathology. It is divided into specific categories. When a headache in the eyes and forehead often appears, it is necessary to find out who is its “culprit”, what are the features of the painful sensation, how intensively it proceeds. The main question for specialists is whether this condition is safe. Learn how to prevent an attack of a headache in the eyes and forehead, avoid repeated migraines.

Types of pain

What conceal the intensity and nature of painful sensations? There are common headaches and migraines. The second option is accompanied by acute and sharp one-sided pain in the forehead, eye areas, neck, sometimes the attack gives to the temple. The causes of migraine are not fully understood. Headache is inherited, it occurs under the influence of external irritating factors. The person who is tormented by attacks is annoyed by the surrounding sounds, bright light, smells, because the sensations of a sick person are aggravated.

Find out what different types of pain mean:

  1. Sharp. A less common cause of acute pain is frontal sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous tissues of the frontal sinuses. More often, a manifestation of intolerant, excruciating pain is a migraine, which is accompanied by an aura. By this term is meant:
    • impaired vision, speech;
    • too keen perception of the environment;
    • numbness of the legs and arms, even to the extent that it is impossible to move them;
    • nausea, weakness, vomiting.
  2. Throbbing. If heavy eyes are felt, eyeballs hurt, all this is accompanied by an inflammatory process, increased lacrimation, then such pains are also called bundle or cluster. They often appear in men who abuse smoking. The smoker’s feeling worsens after taking a glass of alcohol, a smoked cigarette, and bad weather. As for women, bundle pain often occurs at the age of 40, due to paroxysmal hemicrania.
  3. Stitching. With stitching pain around the eyes, optic neuralgia is diagnosed. Stitching, piercing sensations appear during a reaction to changes in temperature of air or water. Pain can give to the nose.
  4. Crushing. Main reasons:
  • psychogenic;
  • as a result of pressure drops;
  • brain disease;
  • infectious lesions.

Causes of headaches in the forehead and eyes

What factors affect the frontal part and the eye area, causing pain:

  • vascular diseases of the brain (migraine, venous arthritis, ischemic disease of the vascular network of the brain);
  • viral infections;
  • the effect of bacterial infections;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • violation of the daily regimen;
  • severe prolonged stresses (severely sore eyes, headache in the frontal part after a long nervous strain);
  • anemia;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • meningitis;
  • tumors;
  • hemorrhage.

Features of pain in the frontal part

Why does forehead hurt? In 60% of people with severe headaches, symptoms are associated with cerebrovascular disease. These symptoms include: pallor, general weakness, nausea, and vomiting. In case of viral infections, treatment should be combined, otherwise excessive fascination with antibiotics only intensifies the pain. Displaced cervical vertebrae due to improper posture, excessive loads and injuries also provoke pain.

On the right side

An intense headache localized in the right half of the frontal part is very often associated with such pathologies:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • stroke;
  • neoplasms;
  • injuries
  • Costen’s syndrome;
  • tonsillitis;
  • chronic paroxysmal hemicrania.

From the left side

The most common diseases, which causes pain in the left half of the forehead:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors;
  • sensitivity to weather conditions;
  • migraine;
  • infectious lesions;
  • stroke;
  • cold;
  • muscle overload;
  • head and neck injuries.

What can cause a headache in the forehead of a child

Children’s headaches are not uncommon, especially if the question is about high school students. This is mainly a short-term phenomenon. The main reasons if the head hurts and presses on the eyes of the child are:

  1. Psychological: stress, fear of a new environment, separation from loved ones, aggression from classmates or relatives.
  2. Infection. Concomitant symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, fear of light, muscle tension, constant desire to sleep, lethargy. Especially dangerous for humans is meningitis..
  3. Hunger.
  4. Total body fatigue.
  5. Head injuries. If after a bruise in the head, the child’s condition worsens, vomiting occurs, you should immediately seek help at the hospital. This can be a concussion, increased intracranial pressure..
  6. Blood pressure.
  7. Neoplasms.

Which specialist to contact

Depending on the specific characteristics of the headache, the following specialists can help the patient:

  1. Therapist. The first stage of his work is a basic survey, but thanks to detailed information about the patient’s problem, the doctor can refer to the necessary specialist of a narrow profile.
  2. Neuropathologist. He will be engaged in treatment in case of neuralgic disorders detected by the therapist. If the pain often bothers the person, its intensity is high, then you should immediately contact this doctor.
  3. Psychotherapist. He will prescribe the necessary therapy if a person has signs of depression, constant mental stress, migraines that are not caused by injuries..
  4. Reflexologist. After visiting a therapist or neurologist for prevention, you can contact this specialist who is engaged in pressing and influencing points on the body with your fingers, magnets or needles.

What to do and how to eliminate discomfort

It is important to remember that persistent headaches in the eyes and forehead are not always a reaction to the weather. Perhaps this is how the body signals internal diseases. Self-medicating and drinking a lot of pills to relieve painful cramps is dangerous for humans. The constant use of strong pain medications can lead to disruption of the functions of the stomach and intestines, the appearance of an allergic reaction, red skin, adversely affect the kidneys, liver.

Refer to specialized specialists who will conduct a thorough survey, will be sent for analyzes, examinations. Given all the information collected about the disease, narrow-field specialists make a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Sequencing:

  1. To find out the cause of the pain:
    • blood tests;
    • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head, neck;
    • brain tomography.
  2. For treatment purposes, the patient is prescribed:
    • acupuncture procedure;
    • manual therapy;
    • therapeutic massage with pressure on biological points;
    • taking drugs.