What dandruff appears from – how to get rid of seborrhea.


Almost every person faced such a nuisance as dandruff. This disease has a more general concept – seborrhea, and the fungus from the yeast genus Malassezia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale provokes its development. There are many factors that cause an annoying illness, and not many people know what dandruff appears from and how to treat it. It is simple to recognize seborrhea – the scalp flakes off with flakes, and in advanced cases the condition is accompanied by severe itching, less often – the hair begins to fall out. Dandruff can appear both on the head and on the face (eyebrows, eyelashes).

What is dandruff

Signs of scalp seborrhea

If you look at dandruff under a microscope, you can understand that this is just an exfoliated skin, whose cells, due to various disorders of the body, did not have time to renew. The most common cause of the sudden onset of dandruff, doctors call fungi, which every person has, but their reproduction leads to the development of seborrhea. The disease can also be caused by psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis and other ailments. The determination of the true cause of seborrhea is best left to an experienced trichologist. Doctors distinguish types of dandruff: tubular, dry and oily.


This form of the disease is characterized by a constant sensation of dry scalp. The corneal flakes are larger than with oily seborrhea, and the hair becomes brittle and split. Due to the insufficient production of sebum, the head begins to itch immediately after washing the head. The causes of dry seborrhea are the same as oily: fungi, central nervous system diseases, lack of vitamins or stress. There are external factors: dandruff from shampoo appears, which is not suitable or too aggressive, from frequent drying of hair or combing with a scallop with too sharp teeth.


This is a form of seborrhea that occurs due to an excess of fat produced by the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes like an orange peel – the pores expand, and the hair becomes oiled, the locks stick together on the second day after washing. At the same time, dandruff appears and the head itches, in some cases hair loss is possible. Complications of sores may also occur – purulent skin lesions, after which pigment spots remain. Fatty seborrhea is mainly manifested in the cold seasons – in autumn and winter.

Why and why dandruff appears

Woman upset with seborrhea

There are many reasons why flakes of dandruff appear, and most people on the planet are concerned about the disease. Oily or dry scalp is the main environment where bacteria that cause seborrhea multiply. Basically, the disease develops due to the defeat of numerous sebaceous glands, so you can see the corneal scales not only on the hair of the head, but also on the face (eyelashes and eyebrows).

On the head

The main cause of dandruff is the Malaysia fungus, which exists in all people. Due to various malfunctions of the body, these bacteria disrupt the process of cell division, which do not have time to completely pass the development path and begin to exfoliate. Another reason for the appearance of seborrhea, doctors consider psoriasis. This disease causes the necrosis of skin cells that stick together in white flakes from keratinized tissue. Eczema and contact dermatitis are other diseases in which dandruff may occur. A shampoo will help to quickly remove the symptoms of seborrhea, but only for a while.

On eyebrows and eyelashes

Woman has itchy scalp

Seborrhea can develop on the face – eyebrows and eyelashes. The sebaceous glands can be disturbed in the forehead, eyebrows, nose and eyes. Doctors call these areas of skin seborrheic. Natural fungi peacefully exist on them, but if the glands break down, microorganisms begin to divide uncontrollably. Dermatologists determine a number of causes of seborrheic dermatitis, which must be addressed:

  • dysbiosis;
  • malnutrition, digestion;
  • disturbed hormonal balance;
  • the use of fatty, spicy foods;
  • avitaminosis;
  • general overwork, stress.

Causes of Dandruff

Little baby combing hair

There is no specific category of people who may have dandruff. To one degree or another, this unpleasant disease affects the scalp of both an adult and a child. The epidermis can be damaged not only by various diseases, but also by the wrong choice of champagne. mechanical reasons: comb, hairdryer. Weather conditions for healthy hair and scalp are also important. So, long exposure to direct summer sunlight or constant wearing of a hat in winter threatens the occurrence of dandruff flakes.

The child has

Dermatologists say that dandruff is slightly less common in a child than in an adult. The immune system of children is not fully formed, but the negative effects of different pills (antibiotics), a lack of vitamins, and poor nutrition lead to such a nuisance as seborrhea. It is treated in children and adolescents by regulating the diet. 1.5-2 hours before a meal, it is advisable to use strengthening vitamins. Walking in the fresh air and regular shampooing will help your baby get rid of dandruff..

Among women

The epidermis scales on the shoulders of women can be seen much less often than men, although the mechanism of occurrence is the same. However, there are characteristic periods of time when ladies are particularly sensitive to such a problem as seborrhea: it can be the result of a sharp or prolonged hormonal disruption. Such changes in the body of a woman are experienced during menopause or during pregnancy. Among other reasons for the appearance of keratinized tissue is the use of all kinds of cosmetics, which ladies widely use in order to look good.

Dandruff in a man

In men

A common cause of seborrhea in men, in addition to the fungus, is a hormonal disorder, but this process does not proceed as it does in women. Upon reaching 30 years of age, men have an imbalance of estrogen and androgen, malfunctioning of the adrenal glands or testes. “Fast” nutrition, due to which gastrointestinal diseases are manifested, is another reason for white flakes on the shoulders. Often this happens with the stronger sex living in the metropolis.