Avocados – useful properties and contraindications. The benefits of avocados for women and men


Avocado or alligator pear is an evergreen fruit plant belonging to the genus Perseus of the family Laurel. In mature form, it has a dark green color, an oily tender flesh. Mexico is considered the birthplace of fruit, and in modern times it is grown in many countries characterized by a Mediterranean and tropical climate. To taste, an unripe fruit resembles an unripe pear or pumpkin with dense pulp and firm peel, and a ripe fruit – mashed butter, greens with a delicate aftertaste of nuts. What are the beneficial properties of an avocado??

The composition and calorie content of avocados

The calorie content of avocados is 150 kcal per 100 g. This suggests that the fruit is high-calorie, so people with obesity, a tendency to overweight should not abuse it. But you shouldn’t give up pleasure to enjoy healthy, tasty avocados, since the composition contains mainly monounsaturated fats, which are very important for the nutrition of people who need to limit the consumption of oily fish, meat, dairy products, so you should know.

Avocados contain many minerals represented by sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, etc. It lacks in the fetus and vitamins of groups B, C, A, PP and D. Avocados are very rich in vitamin E, which stimulates the enrichment of cells with oxygen, their anti-aging protection. The composition of the fetus is rich in natural hormones, other biologically active substances that have a rejuvenating effect.

What is the fruit of avocado for the body

All the benefits of this fruit are due to its rich composition, including minerals, vitamins, trace elements. The pulp of avocado does not contain harmful fats, sugar, therefore diabetics can indulge themselves with this fruit. What are the beneficial properties of avocados?

  • A large amount of vitamin E helps protect the body, cells from the destructive effects of viruses, fight at the cellular level with age-related changes.
  • The second useful property is the purification of blood from harmful cholesterol due to the content of oleic acid, which actively fights the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Improving memory, reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases due to the high content of polyunsaturated fats. The lack of these elements in the diet leads to the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Lowering blood pressure naturally, which is useful for hypertensive patients. If you use avocados regularly, then soon the pressure will completely normalize.
  • Bringing the heart to normal due to the large amount of potassium, which helps to show high resistance to stress, normalize the water-salt balance.
  • The fight against unbound radicals due to which avocados are considered a natural antioxidant.
  • Bringing blood circulation and bleeding back to normal thanks to the vitamin-mineral complex, copper, and iron, which prevent the development of anemia.
  • Increased immunity due to vitamin C. This useful property is especially important during outbreaks of influenza, for people who often suffer from viral, colds..
  • The next useful property is increased efficiency, restoration of the nervous system, the removal of drowsiness, fatigue, irritability due to the content of mannoheptulose.
  • Help in the assimilation of carotenoids, natural pigments that help to establish a water-salt balance, take part in photosynthesis, the formation of teeth, bones.
  • The fight against the multiplication of cancer cells due to phytochemicals, phytonutrienes that stop, destroy the development of tumors of certain species.
  • Avocado benefits constipation for the entire digestive system.
  • Strengthening teeth, bones thanks to phosphorus, calcium, also helps good mental activity.
  • Arousal of feelings – avocado is considered a strong aphrodisiac, previously the fruit was used to increase fertility and potency.
  • An excellent source of protein, a vegetable analogue of animal meat. Useful for those who want to gain muscle mass..

Useful properties for women

Why is avocado good for women? An oily fruit is useful not only for health, but also for hair, for skin, face, in general in cosmetology for an attractive appearance. Especially valuable in this regard is avocado oil, rich in fats, vitamins E, A. With regular use of the fetus, applying masks, wrinkles are smoothed out, cell walls are strengthened, elasticity, and external skin gloss are increased. Oils rich in avocados are able to relieve inflammation on the skin, therefore it is useful to consume the fruit for dermatitis, eczema, acne.

Regular inclusion in the diet of the fetus by women helps to restore beauty, healthy hair, and internal rejuvenation of the body. Nourishing fruit is useful for pregnant women, as it positively affects the health of the unborn child, the mother. To abuse this product, as well as other exotic fruits, is not worth it. You should refrain from it if you are allergic to citrus fruits..

Fruit Benefits for Men

What are the beneficial properties of the fetus for men? This exotic fruit is a strong aphrodisiac. The composition is rich in biologically active substances, microelements, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, which enhance the sex drive of men, reproductive functions. This product is rich in folic acid, which gives energy to the male body by activating the breakdown of proteins. In addition, regular consumption of the fetus positively affects the psyche, the nervous system of men, giving more confidence, prudence.

What are the benefits of avocado for weight loss

Avocado for weight loss has many useful properties. The fruit contains a lot of L-carnitine, which is a natural vitamin-like amino acid with strong antioxidant properties. This substance activates fat metabolism, takes part in the metabolism of fats, and is responsible for the circulation of blood through nerve fibers, energy production. The main role of L-carnitine is to pass through the membrane of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are burned, turning into useful energy. Without this element, a person on a diet will not be able to lose weight.

The product contains a lot of fats, but they are all healthy, play an indispensable role in almost all important processes of the body. They lower the level of bad cholesterol, which leads to weight gain, heart problems. This, in turn, increases the effectiveness of training, speeds up metabolism, improves the quality of blood flow. This product helps to produce insulin, which is another method of enhancing metabolism. The pulp of the fetus is rich in fiber, which cleanses the digestion of cholesterol, toxins, uric acid, is responsible for detoxification.

Useful properties of the bone of the “alligator pear”

The stone has such useful properties:

  • Natural antibiotic – an extract obtained from avocado seeds, kills the causative agents of tropical disease of yellow fever, some fungal infections.
  • Antitumor properties – the bone contains compounds that fight the development of tumor cells.
  • A source of antioxidants – rich in substances that can fight free radicals.
  • Useful properties for digestion – Indians used a bone of fruit to treat diarrhea, dysentery.
  • The last useful property – protection against plaque formation on arterial walls, lowers cholesterol due to the high content of fiber in the bone, which prevents the absorption of harmful fats.

Avocado Health Harm

There is no particular harm from the use of the product. Many exotic fruits will not bring useful properties with excessive consumption, the presence of individual intolerance, digestive problems, allergies to citrus fruits. The harm of this food product can be covered in high calories, so those who want to lose weight should not lean too much on this product.


The stone and leaves of the avocado contain toxins that can harm human health. Eating fruits can sometimes trigger the development of allergic reactions, deterioration of the digestive tract. People with obesity should use avocado with caution. The presence of individual intolerance to this fruit is considered a contraindication..