How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy: effective and safe ways


Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is far from a rare disease. However, it is customary to refer to the “risk factors” for the future mother and her baby. What is this risk? And how does it affect the health of both? Read more about this..

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

In modern obstetric practice, there is an ambiguous attitude to herpes on the lips during pregnancy. The consequences of the disease are also indicated different – from malformations of the fetus to the absence of any manifestations at all.

Why does herpes occur during pregnancy?

The body of a woman bearing a child “disconnects” the normal level of immunity. It is necessary that the pregnancy proceeds in the right direction. After all, the beloved baby inside of us, in fact, is a “foreign” body, which immunity, working at full power, could easily be expelled away.

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

At the same time, processes are activated that previously did not even make themselves felt. For example, expectant mothers often develop thrush. Microbes from ordinary plaque, which our body used to cope with easily, affect gum tissue, which causes bleeding and gingivitis. The same can be said about colds on the lips during pregnancy. In the early stages, when the body experiences tremendous stress, it occurs most often.

How dangerous is herpes to the baby?

When asked whether herpes on the lips is dangerous during pregnancy, doctors answer as follows: depending on what caused the disease, and how long the fetus develops.

The reason for the development of the disease

It can serve as a primary infection or its relapse. If you have suffered from rashes of this nature before, there is no reason for unrest. More than 97% of the world’s population is infected with herpes of the first type (thereby causing the appearance of bubbles on the lips). And each of these people, including you, has antibodies in the blood to this sore. That is, a rash becomes a demonstration that immunity is lowered, and your body needs support. But it poses no threat to either you or the baby.

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

If the vesicles arose for the first time and are accompanied by symptoms of infection (fever, body aches), the situation is much more complicated. Primary infection with the herpes virus is extremely undesirable for the expectant mother and child. And it requires the mandatory supervision of a specialist, as it poses a threat to the development of the fetus. But such situations are rare, since it is almost impossible to live up to 20 years and never meet a herpes infection. Most often, children after 4 years of age are infected with it, and some even at the time of birth.

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

Pregnancy and its timing

Theoretically, herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the first trimester is the most dangerous, since during this period the formation of the systems of the future man takes place. However, the main danger exists for mothers who become ill for the first time. If the disease is not the first time, it does not have any significant effect on the fetus. Moreover, your antibodies are also transmitted to a baby who, up to about 6 months of age, receives immune protection against this infection..

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the second trimester is less dangerous even with primary infection, but its treatment should proceed under the supervision of a doctor. Regardless of when a cold occurred on the lip during pregnancy (2 trimester or 1), carefully follow the rules of hygiene, always wash your hands after processing ulcers. Never touch the genitals with unwashed hands, so as not to cause infection.

Features of the treatment of herpes for expectant mothers

Understanding how to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy will provide a speedy recovery for the expectant mother. In this case, the treatment technique differs little from the generally accepted with the manifestation of itchy vesicles..

Antiviral agents – they are used only in the form of ointments (independent use is allowed, without a doctor’s prescription). Means in tablets for admission are prohibited, but can be prescribed by a specialist. Ointments and gels based on acyclovir do not affect the fetus, do not penetrate the blood and tissues, and carry out superficial effects. Among the popular ones are Zovirax, approved for use during pregnancy.

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

Folk remedies – in combination with ointment, they become an effective solution than to treat herpes on the lips of pregnant women. In the early days, it is better to use only ointment, since the degree of its effect on the virus decreases as it develops. Approximately on the 3rd day, when the sores begin to burst, it is recommended to use means to accelerate healing. Sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice and Kalanchoe work well, which stimulate tissue regeneration..

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

Diet and immunity – with a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body of the future mother, not only the woman’s immunity suffers, but also the health of the crumbs, as well as the appearance of the hair and nails. Therefore, a common practice during the gestation of a baby is a diet rich in protein, vitamins, amino acids, which can ensure the consumption of lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. Talk with your gynecologist about taking a multivitamin complex. Today, pharmacies present vitamins, the composition of which meets the needs of the body of expectant mothers and their babies.

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How to treat cold sores on lips during pregnancy

It is important to monitor your condition and if you have any questions, consult a doctor. Be calm and remember that complications from herpes when carrying a baby are rather rare than normal.

Good luck!