Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care


How to quickly cure cold sores on lips? What tools to use? How long will the disease last with different treatment tactics? We will talk about this later..

Herpes on the lips is a consequence of infection with a virus called the “herpes simplex virus type 1” (Herpes Simplex Type HSV-1). Infection with the virus occurs in early childhood, after which the virus remains inactive for life, periodically worsening under the influence of adverse factors.

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Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care


According to doctors, it is not days, or even hours, but minutes that are important in the fight against this disease. People who know what herpes on the lips are, the symptoms of its occurrence are quite familiar. A slight tingling of the mucous membranes and a more intense lip contour is evidence that the disease is developing. If you take action at this stage, you can completely prevent its external manifestations.


How to determine the effectiveness of the treatment of herpes?

Each remedy for herpes at home works more effectively from the first moments of the onset of symptoms. So if you notice a slight reddening of the lip and begin to feel uncomfortable itching, immediately take action (we will talk about them below). In this case, the disease will disappear before it even starts..

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Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care

At other stages of the development of the infection, the intensity of treatment will be different, as well as the duration of recovery. The drugs are still effective when the first vesicles appear. Even severe herpes on the lips, the treatment of which was started during this period, will not develop further.

If time is lost and the vesicles on the lips “bloomed in a riotous color,” treatment should continue. This will allow:


1.accelerate the drying of ulcers – the faster they open (themselves, without mechanical stress!), the faster the disease will pass;

2.improve healing – regardless of the causes of herpes, the virus affects the tissues of the lips, which take time to recover. It can be reduced using wound healing agents;

3.exclude the attachment of a secondary infection – open ulcers serve as a “gateway” for the development of bacterial inflammation. A quick treatment for herpes on the lips at home will help prevent their spread.


How to treat cold sores

We offer effective tactics on how to get rid of cold sores on the lips..

1. When the first signs appear (mild tingling, itching) – use antiherpetic ointment. Be sure to buy it for a home medicine cabinet or carry it with you (it is sold in small tubes). Such ointments are made on the basis of the drug Acyclovir (all without exception, regardless of brand). This substance is an analogue of a “piece” of human DNA, which is embedded in the cells of viruses and destroys them. To the cells of the “host”, the remedy does no harm. Apply ointment to the site of irritation with a cotton swab, always use a new one. Once the product has absorbed, apply it again. When using the ointment from the first minutes of the disease, it provides quick treatment for herpes on the lip – the vesicles do not appear, and the uncomfortable itching disappears the next day.

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Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care

2.When bubbles appear – if time of the first stage is missed, sores develop on the mucous membranes. To cope with them in 1 day will not work, since tissue damage has occurred. Tactics on how to quickly cure cold sores on the lips at the bladder stage also include the use of ointments or tablets based on acyclovir. The advantage of ointments is their local effect (the drug does not penetrate the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body), so they can be used even by pregnant and lactating women. Tablets have an effect on the intensity of the development of the virus inside the body, inhibit its reproduction, which also reduces the severity of external symptoms. A quick remedy for herpes on the lips is represented by the drugs Acyclovir, Zovirax, Panavir, Famvir (all of it is based on one active substance). The use of tablets is allowed in children from 2 years old and in older people, but it is important to take into account their side effects, such as slowing the withdrawal of fluids from the body, so the appropriateness of their use should be taken into account by the doctor. When using the means of the acyclovir group, the stage of the vesicle stage is reduced from 3 to 1.5 days.

3.After opening the bubbles. How to quickly cure herpes on the lip at home at this stage? This is no longer possible. The disease has reached its peak, so it will subside only naturally. Your task is to help the body cope with it, for which you can use the above ointments (if the ulcers rupture, a liquid saturated with viruses is released. They can cause infection of surrounding tissues). As well as means, drying tissues recommended by traditional medicine. The easiest solution to how to quickly cure herpes on the lip, according to reviews, is alcohol. You can wipe burst ulcers with alcohol tinctures with calendula, aloe or a regular septic tank.

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Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care

How to restore skin after an illness

If you did everything correctly, the total period of the disease will be no more than 4 days. After that, a wound will remain on the lip, for the healing of which you can use sea buckthorn oil, rosehip extract, Kalanchoe or aloe juice. Lipstick will be restored in about a week.

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Getting rid of cold sores on your lips yourself: emergency care

Therefore, speaking of how long herpes on the lips lasts, we can state: 10-20 days, depending on the tactics of treatment. If measures were taken immediately, recovery occurs in a few hours.

Be the most beautiful beauty! Good luck!